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Los Angeles County, CA | June 3, 2014 Election |
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TORRANCE'S BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTBy Alex M. SeeCandidate for Councilmember; City of Torrance |
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I want a City that businesses want to locate and stay in.As a small business owner in Torrance I am acutely aware of the necessity to have a Government environment the respects and encourages businesses to come here and stay here. Many people talk about an organization being "Business Friendly". I strongly endorse any efforts to be a friendly city in a decidedly business unfriendly state. Businesses have to deal with federal, state, county and local requirements. Most of those interfaces are met with bureaucratic indifference. Anyone who has been through the process knows the frustration of long delays. I will always be open to ideas for streamlining the system. Our one-stop permitting center was an effort in that direction and while that adds to convenience, friendliness and helpfulness are even more important. Maintaining our small town feeling and excellent customer service are my goals. I particularly support on-line permitting to the degree that is possible. I support a fee based system that reflects actual city costs and not designed to make a profit. |
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