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Measure F Funding for County Parks County Service Area 11 Unincorporated Parks & Recreation District 2/3 Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of June 20 5:49pm, 100.00%% of Precincts Reporting (119/119) |
Information shown below: Fiscal Impact | Yes/No Meaning | Impartial Analysis | Arguments | Full Text | ||||||
To properly maintain Santa Cruz County parks, facilities, beach access, and open space; clean bathrooms; repair roofs and electrical systems; keep facilities open and safe; provide recreation to children, teenagers, families, and seniors: shall Santa Cruz County levy an annual tax of $8.50 per improved parcel, replacing an expiring service charge on residential units within the County's Park and Recreation District, with all funds staying local?
This measure would levy a special tax in the annual amount of $8.50 on all improved parcels within County Service Area Number 11 (CSA 11). The purpose is to maintain Santa Cruz County parks, facilities, beach access and open space; and provide recreation programs within CSA 11. The proposed parcel tax replaces the expiring CSA 11 service charge of $6.58 per residential parcel. CSA 11 was established in 1971 to provide for park acquisition, development, maintenance, operations and programming within the unincorporated area of the County outside of the four independent recreation and park districts of Alba, Boulder Creek, Opal Cliffs and La Selva Beach. Accountability of Funds The proposed parcel tax is expected to generate approximately $355,000 per year. The expiring service charge generated about $298,000 during fiscal year 2012-13. The proposed tax will be collected on the property tax roll in the same manner and at the same time as other property taxes, and shall be subject to all the laws pertaining to the levy, collection and enforcement of property taxes. The proceeds of this tax will be deposited into a separate fund established by the County. Its use will be strictly limited to the following purposes within CSA 11: Provide, maintain and preserve County parks and open space
Auditor-Controller County of Santa Cruz
The tax would be imposed for the tax year beginning July 1, 2014, and each year thereafter at the rate of $8.50 per year on each improved parcel within County Service Area No. 11 of the unincorporated portion of the County; that is, those parcels which are outside city boundaries and are also outside the boundaries of the Alba, Boulder Creek, Opal Cliffs and La Selva Beach recreation and park districts would be subject to the tax. The proceeds of the special tax, if approved, may be used only for providing, maintaining and preserving County parks and open space and operating recreation and cultural programs within County Service Area No. 11. Accountability measures required by State law would apply to the tax: The County would create a separate account into which the proceeds of the special tax are deposited. An annual report would show the amount of the special taxes which have been collected and expended, and the status of projects to be funded from those proceeds. The special parcel tax is to be collected in the same manner as County property taxes which are based upon property value. This tax measure is placed on the ballot by resolution of the County Board of Supervisors. A "yes" vote is to approve imposition of the special parcel tax. A "no" vote is against imposition of the special parcel tax.
Arguments For Measure F |
Vote Yes on Measure F to keep our parks safe and clean. Measure F will ensure our children, families and seniors have safe, clean places to enjoy Santa Cruz's natural beauty.
Santa Cruz County parks are a well-loved resource for our community. Budget cuts, though, have meant repairs and maintenance of our parks have not kept up with demand. This threatens the County's ability to maintain adequate garbage pick up, regularly clean park restrooms and keep open the after-school and summer programs that help kids stay away from crime, gangs and drugs. Measure F is a replacement for critical existing funding for our parks that will expire this year. We need this funding to maintain clean, safe parks and to preserve activities for children, youth and seniors. Without this measure, maintenance for leaking roofs and old electrical and septic systems will be further deferred. Trash pickups could become less frequent, leading to parks and beaches becoming dirty and rundown. Vote Yes on Measure F to:
Measure F requires fiscal accountability:
s/ Phil Wowak
s/ Jack O'Neill
s/ Patricia Santana
s/ Morgan Scarborough
s/ Kate Minott
(No arguments against Measure F were submitted) |
Full Text of Measure F |
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors established County Service Area (CSA) No. 11 in 1971 to provide for park acquisition, park development and maintenance, recreation programs, and to contribute to the overall operations of parks, open space and cultural services within the unincorporated areas of the County outside of the four independent recreation and park districts of Alba, Boulder Creek, Opal Cliffs and La Selva; and WHEREAS, acquisition of County parks and recreation facilities within the CSA No. 11 have been financed by County service charges collected on the property tax roll; and WHEREAS, service charges for CSA No. 11 for the 2013-14 fiscal year ending June 30,2014 were levied in the amount of $6.58 per residential unit; and WHEREAS, the debt service for acquisition and improvement of County parks and recreation facilities funded by the existing services charges will be retired at the end of the 2013/2014 fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Cruz acting as the governing authority of CSA No. 11 (Board of Supervisors) is authorized to levy a special tax if the resolution proposing that tax is approved by a vote of the members of the Board of Supervisors and the tax is approved by a two-third vote of the qualified voters voting in an election on the issue; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has determined it is in the best interest of the County and its residents to submit to the voters a proposed special tax for County parks, recreation, and cultural facilities and services to replace the previously existing County service charges within CSA No. 11; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that a special County election be held in accordance with law for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters within CSA No. 11 a measure on whether to approve the proposed special tax pursuant to Government Code Sections 25215.2, and 50075 et seq. and in compliance with California Constitution Article XIIIA; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Cruz acting as the governing authority of CSA No. 11 that, subject to approval of the special tax measure set forth in this Resolution by two-thirds of the qualified voters voting in a special election, a special tax be levied on all improved parcels within CSA No. 11 which consists of the unincorporated areas of the County outside of existing recreation and park districts: 1. Commencing with the 2014-15 fiscal year on July 1,2014 a special tax is to be levied against all improved parcels within CSA No. 11 in the annual amount of $8.50 per parcel; and 2. The County shall maintain a separate account into which the proceeds of this tax shall be deposited and then only be used for the purpose of providing, maintaining, and preserving County parks and open space and to operate recreation and cultural programs within CSA No. 11; 3. The special tax shall be collected on the property tax roll in the same manner and at the same time as County property taxes, and shall be subject to all the laws pertaining to the levy, collection, and enforcement of County property taxes; 4. If any provision of this Resolution or of the special tax measure contained herein or the application of any such provisions to any persons or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any other provision or application that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this extent the provision therefore shall be severable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Cruz that a special County election shall be and the same is hereby called and ordered to be held within CSA No. 11 on Tuesday, June 3, 2014, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the CSA No. 11 the following special tax measure substantially similar to the following: 1. Santa Cruz County Parks - Special Tax Ballot Measure Question
Funding for Santa Cruz County Parks 2. The Board of Supervisors submits to the qualified voters of CSA No. 11 at said special election, said Ballot Measure Question as set forth herein and designates and refers to said measure as the measure to be set forth on the ballots for use in said election. 3. Said special election shall be held and conducted, the votes received and canvassed, and the votes received and canvassed, and the returns thereof made and the results thereof ascertained and determined in accordance with law. 4. Said special election hereby called shall be and is hereby consolidated with the Gubernatorial Primary Election to be held on Tuesday June 3,2014, in all respects and all as required by and pursuant to law. 5. In accordance with the provision of Section 9160 (b) of the California Elections Code, the County Counsel is hereby directed to prepare an impartial analysis of this measure. 6. In accordance with the provision of Section 9160 (c) of the California Elections Code, the County Auditor is hereby directed to prepare a fiscal impact statement of this measure. 7. Arguments for and against this measure may be submitted in conformance with California Elections Code Section 9161 and following. 8. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisor shall file a copy of this Resolution with the County Clerk. 9. If enacted, the County shall prepare the annual report required by subdivision (d) of Government Code section 50075.1. 10. Any legal challenge to this resolution or to the special tax adopted by this resolution shall be brought as provided in Government Code Section 50077.5. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Santa Cruz, State of California, this 25th day of February, 2014, by the following vote:
AYES: SUPERVISORS Leopold, Coonerty, Caput, McPherson and Friend |