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San Joaquin County, CA | June 3, 2014 Election |
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Transparency and accountabilityBy Jeff TiltonCandidate for County Superintendent of Schools; County of San Joaquin |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
Along with the experiences, advanced education, and a plethora of professional successes, I am offering voters a plan.It is important that voters research the candidates before making selections so that citizens will be represented by a highly qualified and well positioned individual. Along with the experiences, advanced education, and a plethora of professional successes, I am offering voters a plan. I have also stepped forward with a vision on helping revitalize Downtown Stockton via the San Joaquin County Office of Education. (More on that later.) Transparency and accountability are paramount at the San Joaquin County Office of Education. This is amplified with the State's new Local Control Funding Formula where SJCOE's nearly $250 million budget will resemble something less thanks to previous funds going directly to schools and districts -- a good thing! Though current officials at SJCOE state that the organization is in a "hold harmless" state, meaning it will receive similar amounts of dollars, it is unknown how many dollars and for how long will it receive those "hold harmless" dollars. To operate status quo is a very dangerous move and I plan on addressing it straight on. First, as a gesture of genuine and selfless leadership, I will take a 15-percent reduction in what the current SJCOE superintendent receives and never ask for a raise while in office. Secondly, I will eliminate the position of Deputy Superintendent at SJCOE. According to California Education Code 1290, a county superintendent of schools may appoint a deputy superintendent. Illegally, SJCOE has had two deputy superintendents since April 1, 1991. Restructuring the top heavy adminstration will likely result in several administrative reclassifications to meet the budgetary challenges via Local Control Funding Formula, as it relates to SJCOE. It will not be easy. It is the right thing to do, however. Thirdly, I would move to make every working document that is used by SJCOE made available online for public access. This would include the SJCOE budget(s), where transactions could be viewed in "real time" so that taxpayers can follow their hard-earned dollars. Banks can do this. SJCOE and its very talented technology staff and students surely can make this a reality. And, finally, I would work on how the SJCOE Board operates. Currently, the Board holds meetings at noon every third Wednesday. Public attendance is rare. I propose that the County Board meetings be held in the evening and recorded for live viewing and for archived viewing. Additionally, I would be sure that legal counsel, specializing in Education Law and the Brown Act, is present to provide guidance to the Board members individually and as a whole. The aforementioned are just a few points of my plan regarding transparency and accountability should I be elected as the next Superintendent of Schools, San Joaquin County. I hope you join me in recognizing the necessary changes needed. |
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