The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Fiscal Choices,
Your Priorities
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. How would you prioritize the fiscal choices the Legislature must make to align the state’s income and spending?
Answer from Michael "Mike" Aldapa:
First,I will not eliminate,or reduce our states social programs,that help our less fortunate constituents.I will always fight, to keep them protected, and in place.
I would reduce our states cost, by targeting non-essential overhead bills,and I would innovate,and develop ways to increase our overall revenue.
Just like a business,or corporation,I would find ways that our state could profit with revenue,so that we could pay our bills,and still earn a profit to invest in the people, of our great state of California!
2. Given our current drought condition, concern for water rights and usage is an important issue. What solutions would you support to address our water problems?
Answer from Michael "Mike" Aldapa:
We have water as a resource,our oceans! I would find technological ways to purify and use or oceans water as a drinking water,as a back up plan.Ofcourse we could also do the traditional ways of saving water, or shipping water to our state from other states as well.
3. California high school students rank lower than many states in student performance. What do you see as the ongoing role of the Legislature in addressing this problem?
Answer from Michael "Mike" Aldapa:
As the 53rd district state assembly member,not only would I support laws and policies that would develop and improve student academics performance,but my ongoing role would be as a active participant, as a member of the community,and as a parent,that I am,first continually and literally visit our schools,and have conversations with our students,and teachers,to find out what the problems and issues are.I would meet with my school district administrators to get their input,the parents input,and all of us together, come up with practical solutions,for the overall good of our children.
4. What other major issues do you think the Legislature must address? What are your own priorities?
Answer from Michael "Mike" Aldapa:
I know that I could reduce our states overall unemployment rate,because I am a strong advocate of vocational training.I believe that a significant amount of our long term displaced,and unemployed workers come from a lack of "NEW JOBS SKILLS"re-training.Alot of our unemployed,are older people who cannot get hired because they do not have new and updated skills.Most people want to work,and have a sense of dignity and self sufficiency.They need to be re-trained in areas of occupational demand,and then they will be hireable,which will thus reduce our states unemployment rate.
My own priorities,will be the priorities of the people of my district.I will not have a personal agenda,but rather,I will be your voice and representative,and advocate of the community. Tell me what your needs,and issues are? And I will fight tenaciously for you! Every decision I make,every action that I take, will always be in the best interest of my 53rd district.I am not part of the political machine,nor do I owe allegiance to any politician or lobbyist.I am asking you to please vote for me, Michael"Mike"Aldapa-Community Organizer,on June 3rd,2014.I pledge to all of my constituents,that I will always fight for you,and your families,I will always maintain my integrity,and I will always stay true and loyal to you!
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. References to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.