The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Economy and Jobs,
Health Care,
Energy Policy,
National Security,
Immigration Reform
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. In this time of high unemployment and budget deficits, what are the most important steps that should be taken to improve our nation’s economy and sustain job creation?
Answer from John W. Campbell:
Government's ability to create jobs in the short term (aside from hiring them directly) is nebulous. Government needs to focus on 2 things for the long term.
1. Allowing job creators to do what they do best
2. Fixing and changing the dynamics of our education system to allow for more methods of training our workforce.
Answer from Jim Stieringer:
We should replace the current federal income tax with a revenue neutral national sales tax that will enable small business to spend less time complying with arcane and unnecessary rules.
We should establish term limits on all federal offices. Legislators should be required to live under the laws that they establish
We should begin to balance the federal budget and begin reducing the $17 trillion deficit.
Answer from John R. Edwards:
The economy is based on energy. We must resume pumping oil in the Gulf of Mexico which will reduce the price of gasoline. At one time, everything moves in a truck. Most people go to work in a car; so what they save on gas they can spend on other goods and services. In addition, Congress must spend less money, a lot less! The minimum wage should be reduced at the Federal level. To get more jobs; start at six dollars an hour; no social security tax; no reports; no records.
Answer from Joel Marchese:
Our Nation's economy can make a comeback if we focus on developing an energy independence policy for America. Countries around the world that develop and export their energy will have greater gains in GDP and job growth for the foreseeable future. And to supply this market with skilled labor, we also need to fund and support trade schools for the young people who will be filling these much in demand jobs of the future.
2. What, if any, changes should be made to federal health care policies or programs?
Answer from Joel Marchese:
The Federal Government needs to get out of the healthcare business. Doctors and patients should be in control, not government entities. Health savings accounts, interstate competition and legal tort reform are the answers for improving our healthcare system - not more government.
Answer from Jim Stieringer:
We should focus our efforts on the needs of the very poor and those who lacked health insurance prior to creation of the Affordable Care Act.
It is apparent that the real purpose of the ACA is to eventually create a "single payer" national health program that replaces both employer provided health benefits and entrepreneurial insurance companies.
Answer from John R. Edwards:
Obamacare should be repealed. It was passed by the President and democrats. It can not be fixed. It is a tax increase, and this tax needs to be repealed.
Federal health care should be restricted to the military and to civil service. Also, the President, Congress and their staff. What they provide should be put in the public record.
Answer from John W. Campbell:
Too long to answer in text here.
3. What are your priorities with respect to our nation’s energy policy?
Answer from Jim Stieringer:
If we begin deregulating the nations energy producers we will no longer be dependent on foreign sources for oil and natural gas. At such time the price of foreign energy will drop significantly and will enable the United States to add to its strategic oil reserve at competitive prices.
Answer from John W. Campbell:
We must become energy independent. Both from a utilizing our own resources standpoint and finding sustainable sources of energy.
Answer from Joel Marchese:
I'm for a strong an independent nation, especially with regards to energy. We need a national energy policy that promotes growth in our energy sector, provides incentives for exploration, production and the building of new refineries, and a combined national effort to become not only energy independent, but to take the lead in exports to other nations. With such a policy our nations economy will rebound and the middle class will begin to grow again.
Answer from John R. Edwards:
The energy policy should focus on cheap energy. Regulations that restrict finding and development of new sources must be revised. The Federal energy department stopped pumping Gulf oil for no good reason. They try to stop coal mining to generate electricity. They don't want to Frack the oil on public land. Canadian oil is a natural source, but they are going to sell to the Chinese. Wind and solar are part time sources, but they should be used.
4. What, if any, changes should be made with respect to our nation’s security, including our national defense or anti-terrorism measures?
Answer from Joel Marchese:
"Peace through strength" is still the best policy with regards to keeping America safe. Military cutbacks such as those proposed by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel are the wrong approach in today's increasingly dangerous world. We need to strengthen our nation's defense not weaken it.
Answer from John R. Edwards:
The military is now, or soon will be, too small. We must replace hardware worn down by Iraq, Desert Storm, and Afghanistan. The level should maintain a two war capability.
Terrorist should be labeled as such. The countries that tolerate them should be examined. If there is economic aide or military aide, that should be justified again.
Answer from John W. Campbell:
Too long to answer in text here.
Answer from Jim Stieringer:
National Defense must again become our top priority. The world is a dangerous place and we are no longer isolated by two major oceans and friendly neighbors to our north and south borders. It has been said that self preservation is the first law of nature. It applies equally to nations and to individuals.
5. What is your position on the issue of immigration reform? What, if any, changes to legislation or policy would you support?
Answer from John W. Campbell:
Too long to answer in text here.
Answer from Jim Stieringer:
Our nation's recent population gains have been solely due to immigration. This is a good thing. Other nations (such as Russia) will eventually slip into oblivion as their populations decline. I observe xenophobia in some members of my party. We should welcome immigrants who share our core beliefs, learn the English language, eschew public assistance, join the armed forces, pay their taxes, hold gainful employment, avoid breaking the law, send their children to school and pass a tough American history exam.
Answer from Joel Marchese:
Our immigration system has many flaws, one of which is that the Federal Government is not enforcing laws already on the books. We need tightened border security with consistent enforcement of our laws. In addition, we need a more streamlined processing system which provides new immigrants with the job permits and residency papers needed, in a timely manner. By streamlining the processing, we can encourage more legal immigration and discourage cheating and fraud.
Answer from John R. Edwards:
First, the border must be closed. Just walking across the border is not acceptable. An illegal alien is illegal. he should be returned. If he has committed other crimes, he should go to jail.
If he has created a family here, then the family must be treated humanely. He may get resident status. To just enforce the law for someone who has been here for ten years and has been productive, made kids, and a wife could not be described as justice.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. References to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.