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In the last 10 years, California's top 15 special interests spent $1.1 billion to influence public officials. He is running for Assembly because you deserve a representative who is devoted to the citizens and not owned by big money or Sacramento special interests. He is honored to be supported by local citizens (Sheriff David Livingston, deputy sheriffs, police officers, firefighters, school board members, nurses, teachers, small business owners)and not high-paid lobbyists with fat bank accounts. He is not afraid to buck the powerful special interests so you have a voice in Sacramento. Newell Arnerich is Supported by People and NOT Special Interests or Big Money
His support comes from citizens just like you who know HE WILL NOT be influenced by BIG MONEY when making decisions that affect our residents. 42% of all Assembly bills are sponsored by special interests. He refuses to "buy in" and if elected, will seek your input by visiting all of your elected councils and boards and hold public town hall meetings to here your voices.
Newell Arnerich will represent all of us - your vote on June 3rd will be a vote for a true representative of the 16th Assembly District.