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Assistant Attorney General Kmiec headed the Office of Legal Counsel and personally drafted the executive agreement By which Pres. Reagan extended the territorial sea of the United States from three to twelve miles enhancing the security of the country and adding to its territory an area larger than the Louisiana purchase. In addition, assistant attorney general Kmiec was responsible for working with the Surgeon General to overturn a previous Reagan administration policy which had Mistakenly interpreted science to justify discrimination against.those with AIDs. The Kmiec opinion was a watershed change in legal interpretation as well as policy which brought AIDs victims within the scope of federal programs for assistance.
More recently as a US Chief of Mission, Ambassador Kmiec confered with Pres. Obama at the White House. Among his accomplishments in the foreign service: the rescue 338 Americans and foreign nationals from behind the shooting lines in Libya; completion of a 10 acre new embassy compound; tax and security treaties, humanitarian leadership for irregular migrant families, and an outpouring of affection for an Ambassador from his assigned country.