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Ventura County, CA | June 3, 2014 Election |
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QualificationsBy Mina Joanna NicholsCandidate for County Clerk and Recorder; County of Ventura |
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Jack of all Trades, Master of Some.I am a technical writer by trade. Technical writers specialize in communication, information and accuracy. I have extensive experience writing technical documents of all kinds; installation guides, operating manuals, operating procedures, business plans, product packaging, ad copy, technical specifications, press releases, and all kinds of reports for management. What all these things have in common is that the accuracy of the information is critical. As a writer, I'm a generalist, and much of my career I've worked on a contract basis, moving between companies, sometimes to different industries. I've written many forms, brochures, and guides, and worked on large software design and implementation projects, which is a large part of the actual work of the clerk and recorder these days. I know how to deliver information in a range of mediums and how to translate complex processes into simple steps, with clear instructions. This is the essence of what people and business needs from the recorder's office. Because of my extensive experience in private industry I am familiar with more of the range of modern innovations that can benefit citizens than the average government employee. As a person who's seen many implementation projects from the trenches, I'm also familiar with some of the dangers and issues that a decision maker must keep in mind when facing motivated lobbyists who want to sell the government some new system. I have never worked in government before or run for public office. The only family member I have in government is a daughter who works at a middle school. There are 60 civil servants in the clerk and recorder's office who know everything there is to know about the way things are done in government. What we need to lead the office, is someone who specializes in making it easier on people. The most important qualification of this position is a dedication to accuracy and democracy, and to serving your needs. I have the right skills and the commitment to democracy needed to make elections in Ventura the lively exchange of ideas and true assessment of the will of the people that they should be. Vote for me, it's the most important step you can take to save democracy. |
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