The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Oakland and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Pension Obligations,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. While most of the Bay Area has the lowest unemployment rate in the state, Oakland is still in trouble. How do you plan to stimulate the economy in Oakland?
Answer from Paul Anthony Lim:
I plan to make Oakland more attractive to businesses small and large with incentives. I propose developing strong partnerships between the government of Oakland and the private sector. I also will push for a development of a tax free startup business zone much like other large cities such as New York are doing.
2. There is an increase in sex trafficking and teenage prostitution in Oakland. What can be done?
Answer from Paul Anthony Lim:
Victims of prostitution need to be offered programs of support so they can break free from the lifestyle. For whatever reason they have inhibitions to breaking free. Services must be available to provide the extra helping hand that these teenagers need to defeat the fear and dependence. Combine that with programs that educate and steer clear prospective prostitutes away from the lifestyle and the problem will shrink.
3. The city's retirement funds are facing severe shortfalls that will impact the budget over the next few years. What will you do to meet Oakland's pension obligations?
Answer from Paul Anthony Lim:
There will be forced cuts and restructuring of current benefits packages. These two things combat the problem in two ways. The first way is to provide funding to cut into the shortfalls. The second is to prevent making the shortfalls larger and prevent another shortfall in the future.
4. How would you address the continuing high crime rate in Oakland?
Answer from Paul Anthony Lim:
Crime must be tackle with a two pronged approach. We have seen the response to a heavy handed law enforcement and that is more resistance. Police support staff need to be increased so that law enforcement offers are freed up from administrative duties to do what they do best; law enforcement. Support staff also cost less then front line officers providing a cost savings. The second prong is a socio-economical solution. People simply do not trust the police department to be fair. They even fear them. This fear breeds animosity. I propose reconsolidating recreational funds into an All City recreational sports league for youth and eventually all ages. The Oakland Public schools would be involved to help educate, provide facilities, and hire local college interns to operate the league. The police would contribute their time as coaches or other staff as part of their normal assigned duties. If we are all growing up together as a team we are a whole lot less inclined to ruin each other. I learned by playing team sports that you don't commit crimes against your own teammates. You defend them, so lets make it a team Oakland.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. References to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.