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Contra Costa County, CA | November 4, 2014 Election |
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On Track to ProgressBy Jovanka D. BecklesCandidate for Council Member; City of Richmond; 4 Year Term |
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In November of 2008, we had a historic national election in which our city and the nation dared to aspire to a new and better world. Here in our dear Richmond we made significant gains toward a better government, bringing more fairness and balance to our societal responsibilities.We have, in Richmond's history, very proud moments of great achievements that have benefited all of our residents. When we were able to come together from many perspectives and backgrounds and support our common interests and aspirations we have excelled. We can learn a lot from that history. See and download "Our History Built Richmond" and "One Richmond." In recent years, we see the results of this unified efforts when we all came together to help bring the Richmond Bay Campus to Richmond. We continue to change the image of Richmond to reflect what we know to be true- that Richmond is a city of many distinct communities that reflect the diversity of culture, interests, talents and possibilities. We can be proud of Richmond's past history event as we continue to make history. We find ourselves today faced with the great opportunity of re-defining the city where we live. Practicing forward thinking, we have put Richmond on the map as a city willing to make a way for a green economy that supports rather than harms the environment. In the coming years we can build a city-home with enough new jobs for all, by capitalizing on the booming Green jobs sector. We must create community where violence and crime is up-rooted, through a committed and unified effort by community members to Get Involved!. We deserve clean air to breath, great after school programs and libraries to learn, with parks and gardens and community places to enjoy and share. We must implement policies that dramatically and positively improve the quality of life for Richmond residents. I feel even more strongly that it is particularly true for young people. I have had many sad opportunities to witness the despair of our youth. The worse was when I was the victim of a home invasion at gunpoint. As terrifying as that was for me, it was clear to me that those young, desperate men were equally terrified. They were not frightened of me: they were afraid of not having any obvious reason to hope for a good future with equal opportunities. We must address the root causes of this despair. We must show our children they are valued by providing all with a quality education, as well as positive actions and role models. The young men and women with whom I work every day want a future that is prosperous and safe. They are the ones encourage me to continue on this positive progressive path that we are on. I bring many talents to the Council. These include: my experience in dealing with the root causes of violence and crime, my integrity, my Masters degree in Business Administration, a no-nonsense business approach, my solid community values, a fresh vision and energy, along with my dedication to Richmond KEY ISSUES
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 26, 2014 10:30
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