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When elected I will bring Leadership and Integrity, Local Government Transparency and Accountability. I will protect Public Safety by protecting Firefighters Services and will work hard to reopen the Downtown Fire Station and bring back life support. Along with improving anti-gang programs and will work hard to increase Police Force and will reintroduce Citizen Patrolling programs. I will promote Economic Growth by working with Businesses and Community Leaders to bring new projects to our Neighborhoods and create new economic opportunities for blighted areas which intern will create jobs here at home. I will establish with City Staff regularly schedule programs that will address areas in disrepair. I will make sure our Youth Sport Programs will have safe, clean and adequate playing fields and amenities with regularly schedule clean restrooms. I will work hard with Pomona Unified School District to expand after school programs. I will address the 71 freeway by reaching out to Cal-Trans and State Legislatures to clean the bottleneck that it is. To prevent traffic jams, future accidents and even deaths. I will bring activities and workshops to our Community Center to enhance the daily living of our Elders and Residents. I will help bring people together and will deliver results to our Community.