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Measure I Setting City Councilmember Term Limits City of Moreno Valley Majority Approval Required
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Index of all Measures |
Results as of November 21 7:51am, 100.00%% of Precincts Reporting (53/53) |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | | ||||
Shall an ordinance be enacted to adopt term limits upon the members of the Moreno Valley City Council, preventing any person who serves three (3) successive terms from serving again until an intervening period of two (2) years has elapsed?
Voters may impose term limits on city councilmembers. Measure "I", if adopted by a simple majority vote of the people, will impose term limits on councilmembers and would prohibit a councilmember from serving more than three successive four-year terms until an intervening period of two years has elapsed. Appointment to fill a vacancy on the City Council will count as serving for a full four-year term if the appointed councilmember serves two or more years on the City Council. Measure "I" was placed on the ballot by the City Council. If adopted by the voters, the proposed ordinance will take effect ten (10) days after the results of the election are certified by the City Council. If the proposed ordinance is adopted, term limits would apply prospectively, meaning that council terms in progress or completed before the effective date of the ordinance would not count toward the three-term limit. If Measure "I" passes, the term limits ordinance can only be amended by the voters. If Measure "I" fails, there will continue to be no limit on the number of terms an individual may serve as a councilmember. The above statement is an impartial analysis of Measure "I". If you desire a copy of the ordinance or measure, please call the City Clerk's Office at (951) 413-3001 and a copy will be mailed at no cost to you. By: City Attorney
Arguments For Measure I | Arguments Against Measure I | ||
The question of term limits is not new. The reason we should have term limits is "in free governments the rulers are the servants and the people are their superiors. "For the former to return among the latter does not degrade but promote them." It was Benjamin Franklin who summed up this best case more than two centuries ago.
The founding fathers did not want a monarchy; they wanted a government "by the people". Without the necessary restrictions of term limits, "The people" would soon devolve down to a very small, very powerful, very rich group of elites. Local politics at the city and county level may not have as many branches, but they serve the same purpose. The city council is supposed to be made up of its constituents, who are drafted out of their local population to serve. Term limits serve as the best buffer to keep those career-minded types from gumming up the system, which is why term limits are so very important. A politician working without term limits is a politician working purely on re-election and amassing power. If regular people are allowed the opportunity to run for office on a level playing field, term limits wouldn't be needed. Regardless of how you vote, we the People will decide. Your decision will count and be respected. Vote "YES" on Measure "I"
By: Jesse L. Molina, Mayor Moreno Valley
The Concerned Citizens of Moreno Valley were involved in gathering signatures to recall the entire Moreno Valley City council because they were targets of an extensive criminal investigative probe by the FBI Criminal Political Corruption Task Force for using their position for personal gains. Some of these same individuals have decided to place Measure "I" and Measure "R" on the ballot for your approval. They cannot be trusted. They must clear themselves of the corruption allegations and regain the trust of the citizens of Moreno Valley before proposing any measure that impacts the leadership structure and our quality of life within Moreno Valley. Measure "I" is fraudulent. The purpose of term limits is to remove entrenched power and reduce the influence of money and special interest in politics. We support real term limits such as 2 four year terms (8 years). The president of the United States of America can only serve 2 four year terms. Murrieta successfully passed Measure "C" (November 2010) by 67% of the votes so that elected official can only serve two consecutive terms. We ask you to vote NO on Measure "I".
By: Craig R. Givens, Concerned Citizens of Moreno Valley Advocacy Group
| Please vote no on Measure "I" because this ballot measure does not limit the number of terms that a city council person can be elected. The title of this initiative is misleading. This measure merely requires a 2 year break after each 12 years served but it does not limit the number of terms a person can be on the council. This measure was written without consideration of public input or the public's opinion and Moreno Valley voters deserve better. If these "term limits" were implemented, a councilperson would still be able to serve 24 out of 26 years, 36 out of 40 years or even 48 out of 54 years. This is a poor excuse for term limits and Moreno Valley voters should reject it. Measure "I" is fraudulent and does not represent the real purpose of term limits which is to remove entrenched power and reduce the influence of money and special interests from our elected leaders. We are in support of real term limits such as 2 four year terms (8 years) or 3 four year terms (12 years) as a lifetime limit. The president of the USA can only serve 2 four year terms. The City of Murrieta successfully passed Measure "C" in November of 2010 with 67% of the vote to limit the City Council to no more than two consecutive terms in office. We are in favor of real term limits but this does not accomplish the task. Please let the majority of Moreno Valley City Council know they can't fool the voters by giving them a measure that doesn't do what it claims to do.
By: Deanna Reeder, Stop Votes For Sale Network
The opposition claim that this measure is not absolute and they can run again in two years. By having a break in the election this helps in giving an exceptional councilmember a chance to run again, the mediocre ones will be weeded out. Currently council members who hold office for long periods becoming out of touch with the citizens that elected them. Currently they amass power and influence, that eventually leads them to an oligarchy, and susceptible to corruption. This is evident of many city councils and county governments. With this ballot measure you the people will have a chance to decide the term limits. Please stop the oligarchy. "Government by the people for the people." Ultimately it is your decision and it will respected.
By: Jesse L. Molina