The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. How would you determine that the schools are using federal, state and local funds wisely and fairly and how would you report your findings to the community?
Answer from Donna Foster Ruebusch:
It is the responsibility of a board member to provide oversight and stewardship for district revenues. I have extensive experience on district budget committees and recently participated in the LCAP budget implementation. The school district budget reflects priorities for focus academies, dual immersion curriculum,smaller class size, more resources for technology, science and music as well as integrating Career Technology at the secondary level. The budget is a public document that should be accessible on-line and as revised posted to the district web site. I participated in district planning to create new communication tools. The result was the creation of videos and pamphlets highlighting each school site K-12. The videos are posted on the district and school web sites. Measure G funds are allocated based on district-wide planning and input from each school community. Technology infrastructure is in place. Building modernization has begun and the next steps require creating sustainable equipment replacement.
Answer from Armando Benavides:
I would look at our top three priorities and ensure that the funding stream is aligned with those priorities. This alignment is crucial due to the new Local Control Funding Formula that grants more flexibility and discretion to the District to apportion funds. I would make sure that the supplemental funds for English Learners and Low Social Economic students are used to provide additional services that they may require to keep those students at grade level. I will work to ensure that our teachers and students have the latest technology tools available for classroom use so I would ensure the District invests funds towards that goal. I would ensure that we make public all documents related to our budget and priorities with greater details as to funding sources and expenditures. I would make sure budget information is posted on the District website in a format that parents can easily read. I would hold special parent meetings at each school at least twice a year to hear the priorities of parents and get feedback from them regarding budget decisions. I would present my budget decisions and get feedback from leaders at each school, such as the Principal, School Site Council, English Learners Advisory Committee, and parents. I would hold District wide forum each year to discuss the budget, assess outcomes for our budget priorities, and make new realignments to the budget based on feedback from the school personnel, parents, and District Leadership.
Answer from David Gerard:
Given the extremely limited funding available to our District, fiscal controls are essential. Annual audits supplemented by monthly reports by Assistant Superintendent, Business Services will provide transparency and proper utilization of all funds provided by the taxpayer. Reports will be available online and summaries will be communicated at public, open School Board meetings. In addition our Measure G funds should be more strictly managed so that we put the $98 million the voters approved into creating a green and clean energy infrastructure so that we avoid wasteful expenditures on excessive water, electricity and fossil fuels.
2. Are the schools offering instruction appropriate to the diverse educational abilities of all the students?
Answer from Donna Foster Ruebusch:
In the past three years the District has made strides to change curriculum delivery. Test scores, graduation rates, college entry and declining drop out rates reflect this progress. MHUSD has a 97% graduation rate- one of the highest in the State. The establishment of elementary focus academies which integrate math/music (JAMM), technology and engineering skills (STEAM) into the core curriculum and DIME a dual language immersion program have resulted in rising student achievement. Facilities have upgraded infrastructure to support 21st century learning and there is increased technology at all sites. Expanded curriculum choices at the secondary level and an integration of Career Technology in core academics can create real-world connections for students. I believe a broad-based curriculum that offers athletics, math, music, art and drama are important elements in educating the whole child.
Answer from David Gerard:
While some steps have been taken by the prior Board--including the Dual Immersion program at San Martin Gwynn--now we must do much more to close the 139 point achievement gap for Latino students, as well as the 156 point SAT (college entrance exam) gap for all students, compared to the county as a whole. There must be a great education for every child. We must not tolerate failure in our schools. Let's build an academic powerhouse in our District, where all schools are outstanding and where very child has the tools to succeed. We must engage the community to support our schools and work closely with teachers and staff to help our students accelerate their progress.
Answer from Armando Benavides:
I believe we can do better. We need a more rigorous curriculum whose content is aligned to grade standards for English Learners and Low Social Economic Students to ensure that the District maintains more of them at grade level. We also need to make sure we maintain high rigorous curriculum for all students and expose more students to science, technology, engineering, and math classes(STEM). For those students interested in other fields, like art or creative writing, and our gifted students, we need to ensure that they also have a rigorous curriculum that will ensure they are successful in their academic or career goals. In regards to our special education students, the District recently decided to provide direct services to our special education students that were being served by County Board of Education programs. We need to ensure that we provide appropriate instruction and resources to those special education students.
3. Where do you want the District to be five years from now? What steps should the District take to get there?
Answer from Donna Foster Ruebusch:
As a governing board member I hope to expand programs, such as the Focus Academies, so that parents have choices to best meet the needs of their students. Continued steps to engage parents and community members in decision making is critical. Collaboration between teachers and parents creates student success. Utilizing technology to reach more parents/community members and students will improve our communication. The district needs to work closely with the city to develop neighborhood school sites that accommodate our growing population. Within five years we will need a new elementary school north of town and a middle school in towards the southern end of Morgan Hill. Facility and modernization updates begun under Measure G will continue. Ongoing input from each school community will be important to prioritize distribution of those funds.
Answer from Armando Benavides:
My vision for five years from now is that our District is recognized as an excellent educational institution that offers high quality education to all of our students, a District that is open and transparent to parents and the community, a District where every school has achieved an API score of 800 points and getting closer to the API 900 mark. A District where students, families, and teachers and classified staff and all District personnel feel respected and valued. A District that is recognized as leading the charge in getting the latest technology to students and teachers. And finally, a District that has forged positive partnerships with governmental and business entities in the community to support our District and schools.
Answer from David Gerard:
Five years from now I want this District to be at the top tier of schools in Santa Clara County. Right now, nearly all of the schools in the Morgan Hill Unified School District rank in the bottom third, including six schools landing in the bottom tenth, compared with California schools with similar resources and demographics. Less than 49% of our high school students graduate with the required courses needed to qualify for admission to San Jose State and University of California. Living as we are within Silicon Valley, we must prepare both college-bound students and those who opt for working immediately after high school graduation. We have no time to waste in taking action to offer Pre-Kindergarten in all of our elementarhy schools and lower class size to 24 students kindergarten through third grade. We must add more counseling and provide a more accelerated curriculum for studentsseeking greater challenges. For high schoolers, we must do more, such as enhancing our Advanced Placement course offerings, implementing a much more robust college admission and financial aid counseling program and offering curricula like an electronics academy in our high schools that combines academics as well as career readiness for a technical and business environment with field trips to industry, college and other sites. These actions will be just the start as we build greater parent engagement and strive to build an Academic Powerhouse in MHUSD. Our kids deserve nothing less, so let's move forward with urgency.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. The answer to each question should be limited to 400 words. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.