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Candidates Answer Questions on the Issues Mayor; City of Santa Clara | |||||
The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Balancing interests
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
Answer from Deborah Bress:
Answer from Jamie L. Matthews:
Mayor (2010 + Present) First Term
Councilmember / Vice Mayor (1998-2006) (2008+ 2010)
Chair Santa Clara Housing Authority (2010 + Present)
Chair, Santa Clara Open Space Authority (2010 + Present)
Chair, Stadium Authority (2010 + Present)
Board Member SARA Oversight Board (2010 + Present)
Current City Committees
Council Goal Setting Committee
Council Officers and Elected Full Time Employees Performance/Salary Review Committee (Chair)
Downtown Revitalization Plan Committee
Economic Development Committee (Chair)
Area-Wide Committees - Current
Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) General Assembly
Caltrain Modernization Local Policymaker Group (CalMod)
Cities Association of Santa Clara County Board of Directors
Cities Association of Santa Clara County City Selection Committee
Cities Association of Santa Clara County Legislative Action Committee
City/School Liaison Committee (Santa Clara Unified School District) (Chair)
Grand Boulevard Task Force/El Camino Real
Modesto - Santa Clara - Redding Energy Authority (MSR EA) (Alternate)
Northern California Power Agency (NCPA) (Alternate)
Peninsula Division of the League of California Cities
Joint Recycled Water Policy Advisory Committee
San Jose/Santa Clara Treatment Plant Advisory Committee (TPAC)
Silicon Valley Animal Control Authority (SVACA)
Santa Clara County Comprehensive Expressway Planning Study Policy Advisory Board (Alternate)
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA) Board of Directors (North East Cities Group)
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA) Congestion Management Program & Planning Committee (CMPP) (North East Cities Group)
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA) County Expressways Policy Advisory Committee
Santa Clara County Human Trafficking Commission
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA)
El Camino Real Rapid Transit (ECRRT) Policy Advisory Board (PAC)
City of Santa Clara Service
Councilmember / Vice Mayor (1998-2006) (2008+ 2010)
Redevelopment Agency Director (1998-2006) (2008 + 2010)
Open Space Authority Director (1998-2006) (2008 + 2010)
Council Goal Setting Committee, Chair (1998 + 2006) (2008 + 2010)
Ethics Committee, Chair (2004 + 2005)
Campaign Finance Reform Committee, Founding Member 1998 + 2005
Audit Committee, Chair (1999 + 2006)
Downtown Revitalization Committee, Chair / Member (1998 + 2005)
All American City Committee, Founding Member (1999 + 2000)
Neighborhood Enhancement Committee, Chair / Founder + (1999 + 2006)
Americans with Disabilities Act Committee + Chair (1998 + 2000
Mission City 21 Committee, Member (2009 + Current)
Salary Setting Committee, Chair/ Member (1998 + 2006) (2008 + 2010)
Housing Rehabilitation Loan Committee, Chair + (1999 + 2006)
Facility Naming Committee, Alternate Member (2008 + 2010)
Planning Commission, Chair/ Member (1994 + 1998)
Architectural Review Committee, Planning Commission representative (1996 + 1998)
Regional Boards and Multi-Agency Committees
Valley Transportation Authority, Director, 2005 + 2006 Alternate Director (2009 + 2010).
VTA Policy Advisory Committee + Chair (2009 + 2010)
California High-Speed Rail Authority Policymaker Working Group
Cal-Train Policy Advisory Board, Member + (2005-2006)
VTA Ride Taskforce + Co-Chair with San Jose, (2005-2006)
Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) General Assembly (2009-2010)
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA) Congestion Management Program & Planning Committee (CMPP) (North County Cities Group-Alternate) (2009-2010)
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA) Transit Planning and Operations Committee (TP&O) (North County Cities Group-Alternate) (2009-2010)
Silicon Valley Animal Control Authority - Chair, Board of Directors. (2000 + 2006)
TPAC - Santa Clara / San Jose Water Pollution Control Plant, Director (2005-2006) Alt (2008-2010)
Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency, Member (2003 + 2006) (3 yrs)
Santa Clara Unified / City Liaison Committee, Chair (1998 +2006) (8 yrs) Member (2008-2010)
Mission College Liaison Committee, Member (2000 + 2006) (6 yrs)
Santa Clara University Liaison Committee, Member (1999 + 2005) (6 yrs)
Abandoned Vehicle Service Authority, Director (1999 + Current) (11yrs)
Community Service (partial list):
Santa Clara HS Music Booster Association, President 2009-2010
Buchser Music Booster Association, Co-President 2007-2008
Santa High School Athletic Boosters, Member 2006 - Current
Red Cross Disaster Assessment Leader - 2005 (Katrina)
Westside Little League, Coach 1996-1997
PTA Member + Westwood Elementary 1996-2004
PTA Member + Buchser Middle School 2000-2008
Parent Board, Member + Washington Open Elementary School 2005-2010
Docent, Santa Clara Historic Home Tour 1998-2012
Beautiful Day, Better Homes (assist elderly, disabled residents), Founding Member 2002-Current
Answer from Jamie L. Matthews:
I love Santa Clara. As a homeowner, husband, father of four and fifth generation Santa Claran, I'm committed to Santa Clara's present, past and future. Santa Clara is more than just a place to me, it my home.
In my first term as Mayor, I have guided Santa Clara from the "Great Recession" to our greatest period of sustained prosperity that has generated over 20,000 new jobs and attracted more than 6.5 Billion in private investment. Constructed and opened the beautiful Levi's Stadium (Largest Project Labor Agreements at that time in the State). secured world class events such as Superbowl 50 and WrestleMania, and Santa Clara is #7 on the top 100 best places to live in the nation, BUT, there is much more to do! A few of my priorities are below. I also wanted to provide why I beleive the completion of these priorities are important to Santa Clara, regardless of where you may live. Priorities as follows:
Rebuild our Historic Downtown and Transform the El Camino
Carefully Manage and leverage current success and opportunities
Build a new International Swim Center and Complete RDA wind down
Ensure Drought Proof Water Supply
Complete Phase 2, BART to Santa Clara and Enhance Transit Opportunities
Rebuild our Historic Downtown / Transform the El Camino + In the early 1960s, Santa Clara made the mistake of allowing the destruction of our beautiful original downtown during the craze of redevelopment. This decision has literally left a hole in the soul of the city and its citizens. For generations, councilmembers and mayors have attempted to rebuild the downtown with little or no success. The reason is mostly about timing and the ability to take managed risks. We have a tremendous and unique opportunity as one of the ground leases that has been a blockade for years is coming close to ending on the city "superblock". Where buying out the lessee and the remaining time on the lease to allow redevelopment would've been cost prohibitive, now it is within our reach. Working with the large landowners and the University, Santa Clara has a tremendous opportunity not to re-create, but to reimagine and create a historic downtown for the future. Through collaboration and partnership I am hopeful that we will finally break ground and begin construction before the end of my second term, if reelected. If we can get an NFL stadium built in 918 days, I feel confident we can get a downtown built within the next four years. Past conceptual plans often met resistance because they did not meet both the flavor and scope of what a downtown should be in historic district. I envision a downtown which is walkable, pedestrian scale and possibly includes a history museum that in itself would be a destination complemented by the new art history district being created by Santa Clara University. Although housing needs to be a component, it is important that it is a place where people want to go to gather, to meet and to celebrate. This would mean appropriate scale for the buildings, intentionally walkable areas that are inviting and beautiful and plazas with outdoor seating complemented by restaurants, coffee shops and other neighborhood serving uses. It is critical that we find a way to connect any new development directly with Franklin Square.
The El Camino, State Highway 82, is an important road that connects the San Francisco peninsula through Santa Clara to San Jose. When the State widened the road in the 1980'e in Santa Clara, it created a number of challenges and substandard lots. We have been focusing on working with private developers to combine these lots to redevelop areas along the El Camino. Although it is a critical and important road in Santa Clara for many years it has seen little attention or investment. We have some good energy around both the beautification and private investment along this corridor.
First is the rebuilding of the former (Grants, then Mervyns) Shopping center at Scott and El Camino. The center, appropriately named Santa Clara Town Centre, will become quickly one of the most popular shopping areas in Santa Clara and includes our first Target and Sprouts stores to name a few. I am scheduled fo a number of Grand Opening Events and Im so excited that the majority of not all the stores will be open in the next few months! What makes a center special is through a private 30 million investment, a new town center has been created in the mission style that compliments Santa Clara's past and creates a needed destination for people to meet. We are making investments along the El Camino to continue to encourage private investment through the replacement of the old outdated electrical standards with LED acorn style lights with banner poles, the addition of planters, the painting of overpasses to welcome people to Santa Clara, and the purchase of long vacant and blighted properties to partner with our affordable housing partners to develop new units as well as to beautify the area. With BRT coming down El Camino, we have been seeking to add new housing opportunities along the El Camino where previously used car lots, vacant lots or underutilized retail shops existed. The new generation of entrepreneurs that will work to create the next great thing are looking for places to live along a well-connected transit corridor rather than to be dependent on driving a car. They are looking for opportunities to take the new BRT to CalTrain and to be able to walk to stores and restaurants. Understanding this trend we need to attract these talented individuals by creating housing opportunities. To do this we are working to transition the El Camino from an exclusively auto oriented street into one that is inviting for autos and pedestrians. I'm excited about the future for this Grand Boulevard and will be working to bring this vision to fruition if reelected.
Managing and Leverage Current Success and Opportunities- Its a great problem to have as we have a lot of wonderful things happening in Santa Clara but they all need focus and management. The first is all the success that we are having at Levi's to attract large scale world-class events. In addition to the regular football season, we are the host to a number of events that will bring the eyes of the world to us. The first is March 29, 2015 when WrestleMania 31 comes to Santa Clara. This is a great example of a regional effort between San Jose and Santa Clara's Cities and Chambers to showcase the south bay. The culmination of the Road to WrestleMania week will be the main event at Levi's stadium. This will bring 80,000+ people to Santa Clara, San Jose and the surrounding region. We want to ensure that not only we have a successful event, but we are able to showcase all that our city, our region and our people have the offer so that we will be a venue once again in the future. WrestleMania is reputed to bring in 71% of its audience from out of the area. This is that is important is because it results in an 4.5 average room night stay as people use this event as their primary vacation. This means revenues for our hotels, revenues for our restaurants and opportunities for all of our venues to benefit. WrestleMania on average brings $150-$200 million to the hosting region and we want to ensure that those coming have a great time and spend as many dollars as possible so that we can have additional revenues to support our City, services and our people. In order to do this to happen, there will need to be close coordination between multiple agencies and cities. I was part of the team with that traveled to Connecticut to convince WrestleMania to come to Levi's and I am confident that we are up to the task.
Following this will be the historic Super Bowl 50. If ever there was a great example of regional leadership and cooperation between Cities, it's the successful bid to bring Super Bowl 50 to Levis Stadium. Initiated by Mayor Lee, myself and the Bid Committee including the SC Chamber and staff, this bid resulted in our achieving the support and vote of the NFL owners to select Levi's for Superbowl 50, before the stadium was even completed.
As a result, over one hundred million people will be viewing the event that will highlight and define for the world the center of Silicon Valley. It is expected that over 100,000 people will come to this event and as a result we will need to ensure both coordination, hospitality and other opportunities for them to stay, spend their money and have a good time. This will be a massive effort starting 30 days before the Super Bowl itself as the surrounding area is transformed into "Super Bowl City" with associated events and exciting entertainment opportunities for all. Super Bowl events are reputed to bring $300-$500 million to the hosting region and we want to ensure not only our share, but make our city and region a destination that once people experience, will want to come back to again and again.
The next great opportunity is the Montana and Related Project proposals. As a result of the stadium, over $6.5 billion a private investment has occurred in and around the stadium as new companies build headquarters and amenities to be near the action. The Related and Montana projects when constructed will be nearly 9,000,000 square-foot of destination retail, shopping, hotels and offices built in phases on city property directly across the street from Levi stadium. There could be no project more important to the future financial health for Santa Clara's future. When completed, this project will generate from $25-$30 million annually in ground lease, sales tax, TOT tax and more that will flow directly into Santa Clara's general fund. In addition to thousands of construction jobs, is anticipated to generate 23,000 new full time job and at build out, be larger than Union Square. This will not only generate revenue for Santa Clara but it will also make Santa Clara the Southbay the destination for sports, shopping and entertainment.
3) Rebuild the International Swim Center - Santa Clara has long been recognized as a powerhouse in swimming. Our City has played host to many international events and the investment of past Councils to build the international swim center in 1966 resulted in Santa Clara having more Olympic gold medals (33 Gold, 23 Silver and 9 Bronze) than many countries. The current swim center is in desperate need of replacement. By rebuilding it, we have the opportunity to relocate it away from the exiting residences and to add parking and other amenities. We have been also working with the International Swim Hall of Fame to relocate to Santa Clara from Florida and be incorporated into the new center. We have begun the conceptual work and are going through the due diligence phase of architectural design, phasing and environmental work. Key to the construction will be identifying any mitigations as well as the financing structure to leverage the opportunities for a public private partnerships
4) RDA Wind-down - We continue to work with the Department of Finance to develop an equitable solution to the wind down of the former redevelopment agency and its assets. We have tendered a settlement offer and are currently working with other taxing entities to determine if it will be necessary to seek judicial intervention to complete the deal. It is critical that we resolve these issues, but ensure that Santa Clara's interests are protected. I feel confident that we have a good, fair and equitable offer and hope to have it either settled or before a judge in the next 12 months.
5) Water- An adequate and sustainable source of water is the lifeblood for all of Santa Clara. The ongoing drought has impacted our residents and businesses. As a member of the Advanced Wastewater Purification Plant Board of Directors, I am pleased to state that we are now able to generate 8,100,000 gallons a day of water that exceeds drinking water standards that has been reclaimed from our water pollution control plant. This is in addition to the recycled water pipeline which now extends all through Santa Clara as a result of obtaining a RR a grants and contributions from major developments such as the Kiley project. I have taken a leadership role in the utilization of this drought proof water supply to inject into our groundwater as well as to refill our reservoirs. As a result of this and other environmental initiatives during my first term, I am receiving the environmental legislator of the year award from the California League of Conservation Voters in October 2014. More information is available at the following link:
BART to Santa Clara - Enhanse Transit Opportunities - With phase 1 of the Bart project nearing completion, it is critical that we focus on phase 2 that brings BART through downtown San Jose to Santa Clara. During the next 20 years, the entire 16-mile BART to Silicon Valley extension is expected to add more than 90,000 average weekday riders to BART's current 360,000 weekday riders on its 104-mile route. BART and Caltrain will join in Santa Clara to fulfill the vision of rail ringing the entire bay with rail.
I have been appointed to work on the 2016 the ballot measure led by the Valley transportation authority and Silicon Valley leadership group. Transportation and ease of access is critical for our economic health, our environmental sustainability and to connect our interdependent regions with each other. I have recently written an opinion piece published in the Mercury news with Father Eng regarding the importance of BART filling the promise of coming to Santa Clara. Please see the following link: Answer from Deborah Bress:
Answer from Jamie L. Matthews:
Answer from Deborah Bress:
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page. |