The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Balancing interests
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What experience related to city government would you bring to the City Council?
Answer from Karen Hardy:
I am very fortunate as I feel I have a lot to offer council, given I have been on both the Planning and Historical and Landmark commissions. Along side these commissions I also have been a part of the committee that reviews all architecture for new projects. I have lived in the city nearly 30 years and am married to my best friend over 32 years. I am committed to the well-being of our community.
Answer from Dr Mohammed Nadeem:
I am humbled to bring a long list of diverse local experiences relevant to our city government/city council as follows:
- Two terms as a Civil Service Commissioner, City of Santa Clara, CA
- Director, Mission City Community Fund/Foundation, CA.
- Director, Library Foundation, Santa Clara, CA.
- Board Member, Library Foundation & Friends, Santa Clara, CA.
- Member/Co-Chair, Santa Clara Historic Home Tour Board, Santa Clara, CA.
- Mayor/City Council Appointed Member, City Charter Review Committee,City of Santa Clara, CA.
- Public Presentations; Economic Development Committee, City of Santa Clara, CA.
- Member, Future Vision & Scholarship Committee, Rotary Club, Santa Clara, CA.
- HEAT/CERT Program, Santa Clara Fire Department, CA.
- CPA - Citizen's Police Academy, Santa Clara Police Department, Santa Clara, CA.
- FBI's Citizen Academy - Leadership Program, San Francisco Division, San Francisco, CA.
- City of Santa Clara - Leadership Santa Clara Program, Santa Clara, CA.
- As a Faculty Senator at National University, CA
- As a Community Leader: As a Board of Trustee, as a Vice President, and a President of the MCA, Santa Clara, CA.
- As a School Site Council Member, Buchser Middle School, Santa Clara, CA.
- As a School Site Council Member, Westwood School, Santa Clara, CA.
Answer from Patrick "Pat" Kolstad:
I am a Santa Clara resident and homeowner, married to Terri (Silva) Kolstad with two grown daughters and one granddaughter. I graduated from San Jose State University and joined the Santa Clara Police Department where I served for over 31 years. After my retirement as a Police Sergeant, I was elected to the Santa Clara City Council.
When I was elected as a Councilmember in 2000, 2004, and in 2010 I promised to work for regional solutions to traffic problems; expand affordable housing opportunities; support high quality public safety; maintain low utility rates and the annual clean up campaign; and keep Santa Clara fiscally sound.
I kept my promise.
While I served on the Santa Clara City Council, I voted to approve twelve balanced budgets. I consistently voted to approve new housing projects, particularly affordable and senior housing projects.
I voted to adopt new guidelines and establish an agreement with a new bank to keep the First Time Homebuyers Program strong. This program has provided loans for hundreds of families to purchase their first home. Santa Clara was ranked #1 in the State of California and #2 in the Country for performance in providing affordable housing options.
I served as Chairman of the City Audit Committee, annually reviewing and recommending the approval of the Audit of the CAFR and the City's financial records. I was Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, Mission City 21, working closely with business and the Chamber of Commerce in promoting economic growth in the City of Santa Clara.
I have strongly supported regional solutions to traffic problems including: BART to Santa Clara, Baby Bullet Cal Train, the ACE train to Santa Clara, and the Light Rail Extension.
As Santa Clara's representative to Regional and National Energy agencies, I voted for every generation and transmission project proposed which kept our rates the lowest and our service the most reliable in Northern California. We have refinanced JPA Bonds which saved Santa Clarans millions of dollars.
I have served twice as Vice Mayor, twice as President of the Modesto-Santa Clara-Redding Power Agency and Chairman of the Board of the Northern California Power Agency for four years. I have been a consistent advocate for Local Control and Public Utility issues with our elected representatives and regulators in Sacramento and Washington D.C.
As a member of the City Council for twelve years, I have and will continue to be committed to conducting Santa Clara's business in an open, ethical and professional manner.
In addition to serving on the City Council from 2000 + 2008, and again from 2010 + 2014 I also served as:
- Member of the Stadium Authority Board of the City
- Authority Member of the Sports & Open Space Authority
- Authority Member of the Industrial Development Authority
- Authority Member of the Joint Financing Authority
- Authority Member of Housing Authority Board
City Committees:
- Audit Committee, Chair
- Mission City 21 + Economic Development Committee, Chair
- Council Officers and Elected Full Time Employees
Performance/Salary Review Committee
- Golf Course Committee & Convention Center Liaison
Committee, Chair
- City-School District Liaison Committee
- Neighborhood-University Relations Committee
- Santa Clara Downtown Revitalization Committee
Water & Power Committees:
- Central California Power Agency (CCPA)
- Modesto-Santa Clara-Redding Public Power Agency (MSR),
- Bay Area Water Suppliers and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA),
Vice Chairman
- Northern California Power Agency (NCPA), Chairman
- Santa Clara Valley Water District Advisory Committee
- Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mission City
Community Fund, 2000
- Former Member of the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club
of Santa Clara
- Former Member of the Board of Directors of the Santa
Clarans for Political Integrity and Ethics
- Former Member of the Portuguese American Club of Santa
Clara County
- Member of Santa Clara Masonic Lodge #299
- President of the Santa Clara Police Officers Association,
- President of the California Burglary and Theft
Investigators Association, 1983
- Former Director and Board Member of the Santa Clara Police
Activities League
- President of the California Crime Prevention Officers'
Association, 1990
- Vice Chairman on the City of Santa Clara Charter Review
Committee, 2008
- Board Member of The Housing Trust of Santa Clara County
2004 + 2008
Additional Accomplishments:
- Received the California Congress of PTA's "Honorary
Service Award" in 1990 for over fifteen years of service
to the Santa Clara Unified School District
- California Crime Prevention Officers Association
- Received "Crime Prevention Officer of the Year Award,|
- Awarded the Board of Directors "Life Achievement Award"
- While Secretary for the "California Stop Crime Coalition"
was producer for the state-wide "Vehicle Theft Prevention"
program for the California Highway Patrol, and was Project
Coordinator for the Governor's "Prenatal Substance Abuse
Prevention" project.
- Received the "Spirit of Public Power Award" from the
Northern California Power Agency, 2008
Community Volunteer:
- Agnew Community Volunteer Services
- Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival
- Santa Clara Police Activities League
- Santa Clara Woman's Club
- Santa Clara Women's League
- Santa Clara Y.M.I.
- Soroptimist International of Santa Clara
- Triton Museum of Art
- Mission City Federal Credit Union, Treasurer and Board
2. What concerns are of particular importance to the city and how would you address them?
Answer from Dr Mohammed Nadeem:
In order to address some of the concerns of particular importance---first we need to have a vision of a `shared and sustainable future' focused on economic, fiscal and core services for our citizens/residents.
Second, we need to have a leadership to confront the hard issues seriously and resolve them amicably. Based on my education, experiences, and training I would be honored to provide such vision, leadership and foresight in the areas of creating jobs, housing, balancing budget, growing reserves, maintaining core services, and addressing pension reforms.
Finally, received over 40% votes in 2010 & 2012 city council elections, I continue to be humbled by a strong Citywide support among all Santa Clarans.
Answer from Patrick "Pat" Kolstad:
Economic Development
Currently we are studying proposed redevelopment of the City Golf Course and two small parcels adjacent to the Golf Course. The proposal is to build a combination of Office and Retail/Commercial on the 230+ acres where the golf course is currently. Currently the golf course provides approximately $1 million in revenue annually. The new proposal is estimated to provide $25-$30 million annually in Lease Payments and taxes to the City. In addition to the annual revenue projected, this project will provide hundreds of construction jobs for the Building Trades during the estimated 15 year build out of the project and then will provide hundreds of jobs in the businesses which will occupy the project. These jobs translate to even more economic growth and revenue to the City going forward. This is the type of growth that will create a sustainable economy for the City for 100 years.
Maintaining Core City Services
Currently we have the lowest combined Utility Costs in Northern California. We have among the best maintained City Streets in the Bay Area. We have among the highest rated Public Safety Departments. Our portfolio of Public Parks and Pools are among the best in the Bay Area and our Public Libraries are Award Winning. During the Recession of 2008-2012 we deferred maintenance on our infrastructure, but we must catch up on all deferred maintenance to ensure that our assets are protected for the future.
Fiscal Responsibility
I have voted to approve 12 Balanced Budgets. I serve on and have chaired the City's Audit Committee, annually reviewing and recommending the approval of the Audit and the Award Winning CAFR, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Due to careful use of our limited resources we have built our Working Capital Reserve from a low of $2.5 million in 2009-2010 to $18 million in the 2012-2013 Budget. It is estimated that we will have another $5 million to add to these reserves in the 2013-2014 Budget. This is in addition to our Land Sale Reserve which has $79.6 million available, up from about $17 Million in 2007-2008. That record exemplifies Fiscal Responsibility. My record of accomplishment proves that I have and will continue to protect our City's Assets going forward.
Answer from Karen Hardy:
I am concerned that development in the city is not harmonious with existing neighborhoods. We should use city resources with prudence, because good city services are important to all residents. I believes all residents should be treated with respect when they contact city officials and City Council.
3. How would you balance the needs of the City as a whole with groups' interests?
Answer from Dr Mohammed Nadeem:
As a proud Santa Claran of 22 years, Professor of Business, husband, and father, and a 'fulbright scholar', I am committed to our community's well-being particularly our youth and Senior's. I would balance the needs of the city by focusing on a clear mission for our mission city as stated above and by ensuring a diverse range of opportunities in housing, employment, open-space, public safety, water, clean energy, schools and investments.
My goal is to provide leadership on our City's environmental, fiscal, and economic policies & new projects particularly---Montana/Lowe and Related Santa Clara's 'City Place' and a downtown, for a better quality of life. With integrity, trust, honesty, ethics, and compassion---I am committed to being available and responsive to your needs for a healthy, equitable, and a prosperous Santa Clara.
Answer from Patrick "Pat" Kolstad:
Frequently the needs of the City of Santa Clara and the needs of specific groups within the city are the same, and to provide for the City's needs accommodates the needs of everyone. Occasionally the needs of all groups of people within are not met.
It is important to constantly assess the needs of all special groups within the City and attempt to address everyone's needs. Occasionally, accommodating everyone in the City is not possible because of the lack of resources available. In these situations it is important to attempt to try and do the most good for the most people.
Answer from Karen Hardy:
I believe that all members of the public need to be treated with respect. In recent times city council has seen the need to only give residents 1 minute to talk. I believe we need to allow our 1st amendment Right to freedom of speech be extended to the maximum as per the Brown act, which states 3 minutes. I also believe we need more open government, more open meetings and limited closed session meetings for City Council. Transparency is talked about lightly in our City, there is much evidence to show that deals are done behind closed doors, sometimes with a select few residents. Bringing back Open Government and Town Hall meetings will be a great asset to this community that has been locked out of some major decisions that are affecting our traffic, density, and quality of life.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. The answer to each question should be limited to 400 words. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.