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San Mateo County, CA | November 4, 2014 Election |
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Current challenges for the districtBy Rick OchsenhirtCandidate for Board Member; South San Francisco Unified School District |
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From common core, food, physical ed and the budgetI believe the district is facing many challenges. The adoption of common core with its state standards is now in the third year of curriculum. Practice testing took place at the end of last school year. The success of implementing the testing had many problems that need addressing. I see the need for a larger capacity for technology assets and more IT engineering. I believe the new food policies leveled on the district needs to be implemented not only for fundraisers but an overall culture of our school environment. I'm referring to all available food and drink on school property. I believe we have failed our student in the basic need for physical education. Why have we let SSF school district become the number one obese district in the county? I want physical exercise to be priority for our students. The budget process is just that a process, a living breathing document that needs constant attention and adjustments. When one works on a current budget, you need to examine the previous ones. I look to see if revenues are stable or do we need to look for other resources to bring more monies into it. Also, the other side of the budget is expenses. I want to examine programs to see if and how they are producing the desired results. I'm concern when expenses are cut without true regards to their worth. It is important to our school budget for the board to understand what the governor and legislators are going to do with the education budget for the state. Very soon our school district will be changed from basic aid school to ADA. Our budget will need to reflect this change. We have just adopted our budget under the LCAP from the state's demand of the new LCFF. |
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