The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Fiscal Choices,
Your Priorities
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. How would you prioritize the fiscal choices the Legislature must make to align the state’s income and spending?
Answer from Brian Caples:
We must learn to live within our means. The problem I see with the current budget is that our priorities have become skewed. We allocated 1 Billion dollars more funding for our prison system, but only 500 million more for education. Education is one pillar needed to build a successful society. I will make sure our schools, our roads, our agencies, and our communities receive the funding they need.
2. Given our current drought condition, concern for water rights and usage is an important issue. What solutions would you support to address our water problems?
Answer from Brian Caples:
The public uses the smallest amount of water in California. The truth is, there is plenty of water for the people. The problems occur when all of our water goes to flood the deserts in Southern California. Growing almond trees in the desert to be exported to China (or other countries), at the expense of our water supply, must come to an end.
There is also a water abusive process called Fracking, which has depleted nearly all of our groundwater reserves.
We must put an end to unsustainable farming practices in Southern California. We must put an end to Fracking in this State. We must hold those accountable who have caused the destruction of the Delta. We must require the special interests who will benefit the most from increased storage to pay for it, and not the public. We must block Prop 1 from passing, and require our elected officials to rethink their strategy for who will pay. We must prevent the BDCP twin tunnels from allowing for any more senseless water grabs. Folsom Lake will never again look like it did this year when I am elected.
3. California high school students rank lower than many states in student performance. What do you see as the ongoing role of the Legislature in addressing this problem?
Answer from Brian Caples:
We must get our schools the funding they need to be successful. We cut back the funding to our schools, and then we point our fingers at them and say they are not performing. If we want to fix our education problems it is time to make sure they are fully funded.
4. What other major issues do you think the Legislature must address? What are your own priorities?
Answer from Brian Caples:
There is one problem that is related to all the problems in CA. Money in politics. I want to get the influence of money out of politics. I want a government that is not for sale. I want a government that works for the people. Our democracy should not be sold to the highest bidder. As a grass roots candidate, I have sworn to refuse donations from big corporations. I will never serve their interests. I will always fight for the people.
When legislation like SB27 comes to me for a vote, I will vote YES every time. You will not have to worry about another NO vote from this district. I will work to promote even more legislation to finally end the corruption that is becoming common place in CA politics.
Are you one of the 84% of people in CA that want transparency government? Are you fed up with the back room deals? I am a candidate willing to do whatever it takes to make that a reality.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. References to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.