The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Economy and Jobs,
Health Care,
Energy Policy,
National Security,
Immigration Reform
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. In this time of high unemployment and budget deficits, what are the most important steps that should be taken to improve our nation’s economy and sustain job creation?
Answer from Heidi Hall:
At the same time we reform our tax code to give American families a better deal, we have to go line-by-line through the federal budget and eliminate duplicative and unnecessary programs that are fueling our deficits. For example, right now we have over 50 programs in six different Cabinet departments and federal agencies that focus on small businesses, creating a bureaucratic nightmare for business owners and a massive amount of waste in Washington. Bringing these programs into one department would streamline the process for businesses and provide major savings on costly overhead. We all recognize that, when government gets too big, it can smother instead of assist. I will fight for programs that really help our local businesses succeed, but I'll never hesitate to cut those that only exist to pad corporate accounts with our tax dollars.
The American Jobs Act will put millions of our people back to work. It provides funding to keep teachers in classrooms, police officers on the streets, and construction crews operating. It establishes new programs to invest in modernizing and retrofitting homes and businesses to become more energy efficient, rebuilds our crumbling infrastructure, and helps local governments afford to keep their schools properly staffed and maintained. I will proudly work to secure its passage in Congress.
2. What, if any, changes should be made to federal health care policies or programs?
Answer from Heidi Hall:
There is a large difference between doing something and doing the right thing. Obamacare works towards a goal that I support, but there are aspects of it that were very troubling. For example, the bill included a tax on medical devices that puts a new burden on the elderly and disabled. I will proudly join the bipartisan effort to repeal that tax, and continue looking for ways to make the law work better for American families.
3. What are your priorities with respect to our nation’s energy policy?
Answer from Heidi Hall:
The greatest threat to our national security, public health and long-term economic growth is climate change. Our country has to take immediate steps to reduce its impact on our lives and land. In Congress, I will support market-based solutions to reduce greenhouse emissions, tax benefits for companies that work to limit their emissions, and investing in a clean energy infrastructure, including new funding for alternative fuels and renewable power generation.
4. What, if any, changes should be made with respect to our nation’s security, including our national defense or anti-terrorism measures?
Answer from Heidi Hall:
We must be sure to keep our citizens safe. To that end, I support the President's current airstrikes in Iraq, especially now that we have regional partners, in Qatar, in the UAE, in Saudi Arabia and in Jordan on-board. This is not the time to put American boots on the ground, nor is it the time to arm Syrian forces, even those loosely considered "moderates". There is too much instability to be providing arms to questionable allies.
In the long-run, this is a regional problem with long and deep roots, and must be addressed with solutions best suited to the region. The various sects and groups within sects will need to learn to rule together and with fairness, and this will not be achieved alone with U.S. military involvement. Rather, we need stronger regional investments in stability provided by Middle-Eastern neighbors, and we should not be involved in a long-term mission.
Ultimately, we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and thus reduce our need to be involved in such difficult and long-standing historical conflicts. To that end, we must continue to increase our investment in greener technologies here in the U.S.
5. What is your position on the issue of immigration reform? What, if any, changes to legislation or policy would you support?
Answer from Heidi Hall:
In Congress, I will work to enact a comprehensive program of immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship. Millions of undocumented residents have built lives, raised families, and fully integrated themselves into our society. But we have erected more barriers to block them from achieving the dream of citizenship than at any time in over a century. We need to allow these Americans-to-be to come forward, begin a fair process that will lead to eventual citizenship, and take the last steps to becoming full members of the American family.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. References to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.