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Measure D Tax Increase to Maintain and Upgrade Roads Cosumnes River Community Services District 2/3 Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | Full Text | ||||
Shall the Consumnes River Community Services District increase the current annual special tax to fund maintaining, upgrading, and improving District roads by $100 per parcel per year such that the total tax will increase from $150 to $250 per parcel per year?
This special tax increase would be in the amount of $100 per year per parcel of land located within the boundaries of Cosumnes River Community Services District. The special tax authorized by this measure would commence in fiscal year 2015/2016 and would increase the existing benefit assessment of $150 currently imposed on all parcels within the Cosumnes River Community Services District bringing the total amount collected per parcel per year to $250. The special tax will be listed as a separate item on the county property tax bill for each affected parcel of land, and will be collected in the same way as the general property tax. All laws applicable to the levy, collection, and enforcement of county property taxes, including the provisions for penalties and the procedures for sale of the property in case of delinquency, shall also apply to the special tax. State law requires the proceeds from the special tax be applied only to the identified purposes, and that an annual report be made indicating the amount of funds collected and expended and the status of any project required or authorized to be funded by the proceeds. This measure was placed on the ballot by the Board of Directors of the Cosumnes River Community Services District and requires an affirmative vote of 2/3 or more of all voters voting on the measure in order to pass. A "YES" vote is a vote to authorize the special tax provided in the measure. A "NO" vote is a vote against the special tax provided in the measure. Robyn Truitt Drivon - County Counsel El Dorado Office of the County Counsel
Arguments For Measure D | Arguments Against Measure D |
Twenty four years ago, the Cosumnes River District voters approved an increase in our annual special tax from $75.00 to $150.00 per parcel. Since then, the value of today's dollar has decreased to $0.64 while the cost of maintaining our roads has more than tripled. Increased vehicle traffic on our roads is causing them to break down at a more rapid rate. As a result, we are unable to keep up with the proper maintenance of the approximate 13 miles of District roads.
We are asking that you support Measure D to increase our District Special Tax from $150.00 to $250.00 per year. This increase would enable our district to provide the maintenance and improvements necessary for both gravel and chip and seal roads. Gravel roads in need of repairs will continue to receive new road base. Currently, re-graveling costs are more than double the cost of maintaining chip 'n seal. Existing chip 'n seal roads will be re-chipped according to their condition and maintenance schedule. Measure D will enable our District to apply new chip 'n seal on those gravel roads that continually require re-graveling and eventually on all our gravel roads as budget allows. We urge you to vote YES for Measure D. Let's keep our roads safe and in good condition for residents and emergency vehicles and with the ultimate goal of 100% chip n sealed.
Jodie S. Moran, Board Member
| (No arguments against were submitted)
Full Text of Measure D |
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Cosumnes River Community Services District wishes to submit to the voters of the District a proposal to increase funding for maintaining, upgrading, and improving of District roads; and
WHEREAS, Government Code § 50075 et seq. provides authority for special districts to impose special taxes; and
WHEREAS, the District already collects a special tax of $150 per year from the owners of each parcel in the District; and
WHEREAS, the Board has determined that increasing the existing special tax rate by $100 per parcel per year is necessary in order to
adequately fund maintaining, upgrading, and improving District roads; and
WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the electors within the District should have the opportunity to decide whether the level of funding for maintaining, upgrading, and improving District roads; and
WHEREAS, Government Code § 53722 provides that a special tax must be submitted to the electorate of the District and approved by a twothirds vote of the voters voting on the issue.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Cosumnes River Community Services District as follows: 1. The Board shall submit to the voters the question of whether to increase the special tax within the District for the purpose of maintaining, upgrading, and improving District roads from $150 to $250 per parcel per year. 2. The special tax may be reduced or adjusted at the beginning of each fiscal year, commencing (July 1, 2016), following a public hearing, by an amount not to exceed the cost of living as determined by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) prepared by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics or similar indicator of inflation that may come into common and widespread use. 3. The Cosumnes River Community Services District requests that El Dorado County Registrar of Voters place the proposed measure before the voters of the Cosumnes River Community Services District on November 3, 2015 election. 4. The title of the measure shall be "Cosumnes River Community Services District Adequate Funding Initiative." 5. The measure shall appear on the ballot in substantially the following form: Shall the Cosumnes River Community Services District increase the current annual special tax to fund maintaining, upgrading, and improving District roads by $100 per parcel per year such that the total tax will increase from $150 to $250 per parcel per year? 6. A certified copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to the Office of the El Dorado County Clerk and the County Clerk shall be directed to conduct said election pursuant to applicable laws of the State of California. 7. If approved by the electorate as set forth above, said special tax shall be levied and collected in accordance with this resolution and shall be collected in the same manner and subject to the same penalty as, or with, other charges and taxes fixed and collected by the District or by the County of El Dorado. 8. If approved by the electorate as set forth above the special tax increase set forth above shall augment existing sources of revenue to the Cosumnes River Community Services District and shall not apply to parcels owned by a federal or state governmental agency or another local agency. 9. In accordance with applicable laws, the Cosumnes River Community Services District shall reimburse the County of El Dorado for the cost of such election. 10. Pursuant to Government Code § 50075.1 the specific purposes of the special taxes are hereby identified as maintaining, upgrading, and improving District roads. 11. The proceeds of the special tax shall only be applied to the specific purposes identified above and shall be deposited into a special account created for that purpose. 12. The District shall prepare an annual report pursuant to Government Code § 50075.3 to determine the amount of funds collected and expended and to identify the purposes for which the special tax funds have been expended. 13. In the event of any ambiguity, uncertainty or conflict regarding the application of the special tax to a particular parcel of land,such ambiguity shall be resolved by formal motion of the Board of Directors of the Cosumnes River Community Services District. 14. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause of phrase in this measure, or any part thereof, is held invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining sections or portions of this chapter or part thereof. The Board hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this measure irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases may be declared invalid or unconstitutional. 15. This measure shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. |