(Vote for 1)
A Message from the League of Women Voters: All candidates running in the November 3 elections throughout L.A. County are invited to post their campaign information on Smart Voter. An email with instructions on how to post has been sent to those candidates for whom we have email addresses; some of these messages, we know, have been trapped in spam filters. Candidates in areas where the League has active volunteers will receive phone calls or additional emails asking them to participate. Any L.A. County candidate who does not receive an invitation should send an email to
Karen S. Nowicki
1,782 votes
Basic candidate data supplied by the applicable elections official.
Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
This election is archived. Any links to sources outside of Smart Voter may no longer be active. No further links will be added to this page.
Links to sources outside of Smart Voter are provided for information only and do not imply endorsement.