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Kern County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Trustee; Bakersfield City School District; Trustee Area 4 Voter Information

4 Year Term.

Results as of Sep 17 10:01pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (21/21)
Candidates (Vote for 1)

This is a preview of the election. Candidates will be added and may change until the final certified list of names is available. Some contests or ballot questions might be added.

Laura Guerrero-Salgado 1546 votes 39.64%

  • Occupation: Incumbent
Mary E. Poehner 1288 votes 33.03%
  • Occupation: Retired Teacher
Isai Jimenez 1066 votes 27.33%
  • Occupation: Teacher/Parent/Taxpayer

Basic candidate data supplied by the applicable elections official. Order of candidates is random and changes daily.
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Created: September 17, 2024 22:03 PDT
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