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San Francisco County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of San Francisco County, CA Propositions
County Results as of Sep 17 10:02pm, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (514/514)
62.2% Countywide Voter Turnout (290,415/498,197)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Proposition A. Retiree Supplemental Cost of Living Adjustment; Retirement Board Contract With Executive Director -- City and County of San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 187,896 / 65.08% Yes votes ...... 100,841 / 34.92% No votes
Shall the City amend the Charter to allow City employees who retired before November 6, 1996, to receive a supplemental cost of living adjustment to their pensions even if the retirement system is not fully funded and allow the Retirement Board to have an individual employment contract with its executive director?

Proposition B. Public Works Department and Commission, Sanitation and Streets Department and Commission -- City and County of San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 212,016 / 74.56% Yes votes ...... 72,332 / 25.44% No votes
Shall the City amend the Charter to eliminate the Department of Sanitation and Streets and transfer its duties back to the Department of Public Works and to retain the Sanitation and Streets Commission and Public Works Commission?

Proposition C. Homelessness Oversight Commission -- City and County of San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 196,111 / 67.37% Yes votes ...... 94,963 / 32.63% No votes
Shall the City amend the Charter to establish a Homeless Oversight Commission to oversee the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing and require the City Controller to conduct audits of services for people experiencing homelessness?

Proposition D. Affordable Housing -- City and County of San Francisco (Initiative Petition - Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 141,472 / 49.19% Yes votes ...... 146,128 / 50.81% No votes
Shall the City amend the Charter to streamline approval of affordable housing that provides (1) housing for households with income up to 140% of area median income (AMI) but where the average household income is no more than 120% of AME, (2) additional affordable housing units equal to 15% of the required number of affordable on-site units, or (3) housing for households that include at least one School District or City College employee, with certain household income restrictions; and to no longer require Board of Supervisors' approval for those types of projects if they use City property or financing?

Proposition E. Affordable Housing -- City and County of San Francisco (Board of Supervisors - Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 131,543 / 46.07% Yes votes ...... 153,982 / 53.93% No votes
Shall the City amend the Charter to streamline approval of affordable housing that provides (1) housing for households with income up to 120% of area median income (AMI) but where the average household income is no more than 80% of AME, (2) additional affordable housing units equal to 8% of the required number of affordable on-site units, or (3) housing for households that include at least one School District or City College employee, with certain household income restrictions; and to continue requiring Board of Supervisors' approval for those types of projects if they use City property or financing?

Proposition F. Library Preservation Fund -- City and County of San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 239,088 / 82.58% Yes votes ...... 50,440 / 17.42% No votes
Shall the City amend the Charter to renew the Library Preservation Fund for 25 years to allow the City to temporarily freeze the annual minimum funding for the Library when the City anticipates a budget deficit over $300 million, and require the Library to increase the minimum hours the Main Library and its branches must be open per week?

Proposition G. Student Success Fund - Grants to the San Francisco Unified School District -- City and County of San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 226,670 / 77.78% Yes votes ...... 64,750 / 22.22% No votes
Shall the City amend the Charter to provide additional funding for grants to the San Francisco Unified School District for 15 years to improve student academic achievement and social/emotional wellness?

Proposition H. City Elections In Even-Numbered Years -- City and County of San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 203,817 / 71.22% Yes votes ...... 82,365 / 28.78% No votes
Shall the City amend the Charter to hold elections for Mayor, Sheriff, District Attorney, City Attorney and Treasurer in November of presidential election years, extend the current terms of these officials by one year to January 2025, provide that there would b no regularly scheduled election in 2023, hold elections for local ballot measures only in even-numbered years or in special elections, and change the minimum number of signatures required for voters to place ordinances and declarations of policy on the ballot?

Proposition I. Vehicles on JFK Drive In Golden Gate Park and the Great Highway -- City and County of San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 102,661 / 34.89% Yes votes ...... 191,598 / 65.11% No votes
Shall the City allow private motor vehicles on John F. Kennedy Drive and connector streets in Golden Gate Park at all times except from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays and legal holidays year-round, as well as on Saturdays in April through September, allow motor vehicles in both directions at all times on the Great Highway and not allow the City to remove the Great Highway between Sloat and Skyline boulevards as proposed?

Proposition J. Recreational Use of JFK Drive In Golden Gate Park -- City and County of San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 181,649 / 63.07% Yes votes ...... 106,384 / 36.93% No votes
Shall the City affirm the ordinance the Board of Supervisors adopted in May 2022 reserving portions of John F. Kennedy Drive and certain connector streets in Golden Gate Park as open recreation spaces, closing those streets seven days a week to private motor vehicles with limited exceptions?

Proposition L. Sales Tax for Transportation Projects -- City and County of San Francisco (2/3 Approval Required)
Pass: 209,208 / 71.79% Yes votes ...... 82,190 / 28.21% No votes
Shall the City continue a one-half cent sales tax to 2053 and generate estimated annual revenue of $100-236 million to pay for transportation projects described in a new 30-year spending plan, allow the Transportation Authority to issue up to $1.91 billion in bonds to pay for these projects, and increase the total amount of money the Transportation Authority may spend each year for the next four years?

Proposition M. Tax on Keeping Residential Units Vacant -- City and County of San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 159,347 / 54.52% Yes votes ...... 132,949 / 45.48% No votes
Shall the City tax owners of vacant residential units in buildings with three or more units, if those owners have kept those units vacant for more than 182 days in a calendar year, at a rate of between $2,500-5,000 per vacant unit in 2024 and up to $20,000 in later years with adjustments for inflation, to generate estimated annual revenue of $20-37 million, with the tax continuing until December 31, 2053, and use those funds for rent subsidies and affordable housing?

Proposition N. Golden Gate Park Underground Parking Facility; Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority -- City and County of San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 212,638 / 74.68% Yes votes ...... 72,092 / 25.32% No votes
Shall the City be allowed to use public funds to acquire, operate or subsidize public parking in the underground parking garage below the Music Concourse in Golden Gate Park, and direct the Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority to dissolve, transferring management of the garage to the City's Recreation and Park Commission?

Proposition O. Additional Parcel Tax for City College -- City and County of San Francisco (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 106,495 / 36.67% Yes votes ...... 183,920 / 63.33% No votes
Shall the City establish an additional parcel tax on some San Francisco property owners based on the square footage and use of their properties, at rates between $150-4,000 per parcel with adjustments for inflation, to generate approximately $37 million in annual revenue, beginning on July 1, 2023 and continuing until June 30, 2043, and transer those funds to City College for student and workforce development programs?

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Created: September 17, 2024 22:03 PDT
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