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Ventura County, CA November 8, 2022 Election
Directory of Ventura County, CA Measures
County Results as of Dec 10 11:48am, 100.0% of Precincts Reporting (1640/1640)
56.2% Countywide Voter Turnout (284,013/505,110)

Click on ballot measure for more detail.

Measure C. Term Limits for the Mayor and Councilmembers -- City of Oxnard (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 19072 / 55.3% Yes votes ...... 15362 / 44.6% No votes
Shall an ordinance be adopted that would modify existing term limits on members of the City Council and the Mayor so that those elected officials would be limited to serving two consecutive terms as Mayor and/or Councilmember until at least two years have lapsed from the time that official last served as a member of the City Council or as Mayor?

Measure D. City Name Change -- City of Port Hueneme (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 1577 / 31.0% Yes votes ...... 3495 / 68.9% No votes
Shall the City of Port Hueneme change its name to the City of Hueneme Beach and amend its Charter to reflect the change of name?

Measure E. Bond -- Ventura Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 26994 / 60.6% Yes votes ...... 17542 / 39.3% No votes
To improve the quality of education; repair/replace leaky roofs; make health, safety and security improvements; and construct, modernize, renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Ventura Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $434,500,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, generating on average $23,300,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 6¢ per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money for salaries and no money taken by the State?

Measure G. Bond -- Fillmore Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 3066 / 64.8% Yes votes ...... 1663 / 35.1% No votes
To acquire, construct, repair classrooms, facilities, physical education facilities, sites, equipment, upgrade electrical wiring for classroom technology, reduce overcrowding, repair older classrooms, facilities, aging infrastructure, without increasing current tax rates, shall Fillmore Unified School District's measure authorizing $41,600,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying, on average, 5¢/$100 assessed value ($2,452,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with independent audits, public disclosure of bonds spending, citizen oversight, all funds used locally and not taken by the State?

Measure H. Bond -- Rio School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 4726 / 62.4% Yes votes ...... 2843 / 37.5% No votes
To improve the quality of educational facilities, upgrade, modernize, and renovate outdated classrooms, restrooms and facilities; make health, safety, and security improvements; upgrade technology; provide HVAC; and construct new classrooms and libraries, shall Rio Elementary School District's measure be adopted to authorize $72,000,000 of bonds with legal rates, raising on average $4,000,000 per year until repaid, at approximately 2.1¢ per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent oversight, NO money for salaries, and all funds staying local?

Measure I. Bond -- Oxnard School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 13546 / 57.6% Yes votes ...... 9965 / 42.3% No votes
To reconstruct older middle schools, modernize and construct elementary classrooms and support facilities, increase teacher and student access to modern classroom technology, and improve student security and safety, shall Oxnard School District's measure be adopted to issue $215,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates, raising on average $10.7 million annually for issued bonds through maturity, with levies projected at 3 cents per $100 assessed valuation, with citizens' oversight committee, annual audits, and no money for administrator salaries?

Measure J. Bond -- Mupu Elementary School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 178 / 72.6% Yes votes ...... 67 / 27.3% No votes
To construct, renovate, and modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; repair or replace leaky roofs; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; and provide new classrooms; shall Mupu Elementary School District's measure be adopted authorizing $800,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, generating approximately $49,500 annually while bonds are outstanding with levies of approximately
0.03 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, no money for salaries and all money for local projects?

Measure K. Bond -- Mupu Elementary School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 177 / 72.2% Yes votes ...... 68 / 27.7% No votes
To provide healthy, safe, and modern schools by upgrading and renovating classrooms, restrooms and facilities; replacing/fixing deteriorating plumbing/sewer systems, and making security, safety and handicapped accessibility improvements; shall Mupu Elementary School District's measure be adopted authorizing $800,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, generating approximately $49,500 annually while bonds are outstanding with levies of approximately 0.03 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, no money for salaries and all money staying local?

Measure L. Return to Five Elected City Council Members -- City of Ojai (Majority Approval Required)
Fail: 1593 / 45.9% Yes votes ...... 1876 / 54.0% No votes
Shall the voters amend the Ojai Municipal Code to repeal Measure A and return to five elected city council members and a mayor selected by rotation from among the five elected city council members?

Measure M. Ranked Choice Voting -- City of Ojai (Majority Approval Required)
Pass: 1909 / 55.8% Yes votes ...... 1510 / 44.1% No votes
Shall the voters authorize, at the discretion of the City Council, the use of ranked choice voting, also known as instant runoff voting and allowing voters to rank candidates for elected office in order of preference, to elect City offices at-large, thereby amending the Ojai Municipal Code to no longer elect City Council members by district, if the City Council implements it starting with the November 2024 general election?

Measure S. School Bond -- Las Virgenes Unified School District (55% Approval Required)
Pass: 17,296 / 64.2% Yes votes ...... 9,645 / 35.8% No votes
   499 (61.5%) Yes / 312 (38.4%) No in Ventura County
   16797 (64.3%) Yes / 9333 (35.7%) No in Los Angeles County
To upgrade classrooms, science labs, career-training facilities and instructional technology to support college/career readiness in math, science, technology, engineering, arts and skilled trades; improve safety/ security systems; remove asbestos, repair, construct/acquire classrooms, facilities, sites/equipment, shall Las Virgenes Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $340,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, without increasing current tax rates, levying $36 per $100,000 assessed value ($23,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight and all money staying local?

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Created: September 17, 2024 22:03 PDT
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