From our Users...
This site is fantastic... Something easy to use (love that just punch in zip code)
This is the type of tool which will increase voter turnout.
Saw it in sample ballot....would have missed it otherwise, need to get this site known to everyone...How?
--Marin Co.
Thank you SO MUCH for initiating this site. It cuts through to the candidates and issues I need to focus on. A great help. I'd like to appeal to ALL the candidates to submit their profiles and answers.
--Hamilton Co., OH
I just discovered the League of Women voters web site - wonderful. Thanks for a great educational tool.
--El Dorado Co.
My ballot information never arrived, so I turned to the Internet to see what was available on the election in my neighborhood. To my surprise, I discovered your invaluable site! In the past, the candidates for those lesser-known offices on local boards and councils seemed so anonymous. There was so little information available about them. At last, I finally know who I'm voting for and feel as though I am making an educated decision.
--San Mateo Co.
We have been using the website for two years. We depend on this source for 24 hr information that we can trust! We hate the "newspaper endorsement" pages in our local papers. I do not care what they like. (probably endorsed by $$$)
Thank you so much for making this information available. Democracy can only work in an educated public.
Thank You!!
--Hamilton Co., OH
You provide a most valuable service to the community. I find the information on the website very helpful as I make my choices on the candidates and issues in the election. Thanks and keep up the good work!
--Hamilton Co., OH
It was wonderful to easily find where I go to vote, because I must have thrown out the papers I received.
--San Francisco
...This is what the internet is SUPPOSED to be used for! Nice job.
--Santa Clara Co.
...Thank you for providing a better means connecting Government to the people... --San Mateo Co.
This is such an EXCELLENT idea and source of information. I only wish it was available for my home county. ... Do you know of any similar resources for my area?
...Work on those other candidates and get them to supply some information on themselves.
--Stanislaus Co.
From Candidates...
Thank you League of Women Voters for allowing all candidates for this election to present their message to the voters free of charge which is significant given that we have a small budget to begin with. Your help was fantastic. Thank you again.
--Alameda Co.
I appreciate the opportunity to be involved with a group that allows candidates to place information for all to view. It encourages the voters to use information and hopefully go out and exercise the right to vote.
Thank you and I hope that this grows to a much larger audience in the future. --Stanislaus Co.
I am a candidate in Humboldt county and wish to thank the League of Women Voters for this web site. I'm running a very limited campaign and would not have had any kind of web site. I hope you continue this site in the future and that more candidates use it.
Thank you very much.
--Humboldt Co.
Thank you for initiating this important service to the voters; an informed citizenry promotes a healthy democracy. While I hope voters will consider voting for me, I encourage all community members to exercise their rights and democratic responsibility. Patriots around the world have fought and died for the privilege to vote. What public service could be more important than voting?
I appreciate your commitment to this important work!
--Orange Co.