News from Smart Voter
The League of Women Voters/Smart Voter News brings you news
as it happens. Subscribe to Smart
Voter News.
Elections in 2006
- May 31 - Celebrating 10 Years.
Vote on June 6
- October 24 - Smart Voter Comes
to New York
Elections in 2005
- November 3 - State Propositions,
Hot Issues, & Polling Place Directions
- October 19 - Smart Voter Presents
Nonpartisan Election Information
Elections in 2004
- October 14 - New Smart Voter
features and dates to remember
- October 11 - Smart Voter Delivers
Election Information (press release)
- March 1 - Ten Last Minute Tips
on Voting
- February 17 - March Ballot Propositions
- February 10 - Whom Can I Vote
For in the March Primary -- or How Open is this Primary, Anyway?!
- February 9 - California Voters
Research March Elections With Web Site
Elections in 2003
- September 3 - Top five finalists
to share $250,000 award for applying technology to improve quality
of life around the world
- August 29 - How To Be A Smart
Voter For The Recall Election
Elections in 2002
- November 12 - Smart Voter
Reports Record Traffic; Earns world-wide recognition
- November 4 - Find your polling
place and get fast results
- October 29 - League Election
Materials on Smart Voter
- October 17 - Smartvoter.org
delivers election information
- February 28 - KQED and LWVC Collaborate
- February 13 - Smart Voter opens
for the March 5 2002 Primary
Elections in 2001
- December 11 - A Smart Voter Success
in November 2001
- November 2 - A Smart Resource
for County Voters
- October 8 - Smart Voter supports
California counties for the November 6 election
- February 1 - Smart Voter supports
Los Angeles elections on March 6
Elections in 2000
- January 4, 2001 - November 7 election
feedback and results
- November 3 - Use Smart Voter at
the last minute; see results
- October 28 - What Smart Voter
offers California voters
- October 18 - Web, White, & Blue
- October 11 - Smart Voter Available
for November 2000 Elections
- October 3 - Leagues reach out
to the Spanish-speaking community
- September 28 - Humboldt Co. LWV
conducts Yurok Tribe candidates forum
- September 21 - "Get out
the Vote" video in Bakersfield
- August 15 - On Democracy Row
- August 2 - Two poll results
- July 15 - Smart Voter on KQED/FM
- July 5 - At our LWVUS convention
- May 27 - June 6 elections in Los
Angeles Co.
- May 17 - At the State PTA convention
- April 8 - April 11 elections in
Los Angeles Co.
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