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Political Philosophy for James E. BourassaCandidate for |
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![]() "Every good and excellent thing.... stands moment by moment on the razor's edge of danger.....and must be fought for" I have not lost the vision for America. It is our country and we must look out for her, no matter what it takes. I felt that "The Sleeping Giant" would someday take on this great responsibility, once again by holding our elected officials feet to the fire. It now appears to be happening in our time. Thanks to good citizens who take part in reforming our system. Restoring ethic's and moral's and common sence is what we need as well as, reforming our political system. I always enjoy working at something that is worthy of my time and talent. Building bridges, rather than walls. Helping family, friends, and people I have never met before, is one of the best ways towards societal improvement. Knowing that happiness is NOT based on posseeions, power, or prestige, but on the relationships with people I meet. Granted the apathy has caused many American's to tune away from politic's. I call it the "Ostrich Syndrom". Some people have put their heads in the sand and generally have left it up to the bureaucrates, agencies, boards and commissions to do, what they want to do. It has become a conditioning factor, that leads us to think they are doing a good job, in taking care of us citizens, so we don't have to think for ourselves. This is costing us more and more. And we are fooling ourselves. We as citizens must take responsibility for our own actions. If we allow this to continue, and not go to the polls, and vote in those who will work to reform our system. Then we will get more of the same type of political retoric, that the two parties, have given use for the 50 years.. Dirty politic's, scams, and scandels that continue daily, show us hard proof that the 2 party system has failed us. Perhaps with a good economy and poor quality candidates we feel too comfortable to even bother. We must watch out for who we left in charge of the store. Our country should not be for sale. Yet the powers of influence continue to erode any ethical standards that remain. The continual siphoning of our tax dollars are being spent foolishly on pork barrel prodjects, finacial bailouts of other countries and corporate welfare to multinationalist. All while our National Debt keeps rising. Whats wrong with this picture? Immigration is flooding our country to the point that within our own district we have seen the growth of sprawl growing out of control. Our lakes and streams are 40% polluted and our water supply is being depleted. Our education system ranks 47th in the nation. The more people we allow to come here to America, the more cars will conjest our roads and pollute our enviroment (Water, Air, Land). Over burden our education and safety services, like classrooms, Police, Fire Dept, and Emergency Medical teams. Our food supplies and energy resources will deplete more so, and the cost of water and food will sky rocket out of control. Are you ready to pay for this? I am NOTmean spirited about immigrants. We are all immagrants or derive from generations of immigrants at one time or another. That is what made this country great and grow. But the growth is becoming a major problem and it will if we don't start talking about it sencibly and take measure to help 3rd world countries make it on their own. I believe we are pro-immagrant people and want to help. That is why I stress we must take measures quickly to resolve these future problems before it is to late. If not, we will all ask why is it we are paying 10 times more for everything and standing in long lines. We have enough problems here to take care of first. Then we can help other countries take care of themselves instead of all of them coming here with their problems, and adding them to ours. When we don't even have it all under control yet. We have to clean out our political system and establish laws, not rules. Stop the selling of our elected officials from taking money from Special Interest groups, PAC's. For example why would a candidate spends $60,000. to run for a State Representative job that only pays $15K a year? Whats wrong with this picture? It is simple to figure out, who they will represent. Just follow the money and see who gave it to them. Candidates should not take money from these Special Interest Groups and PAC's, Because they DO NOT owe their allegiance to the people anymore, but to these organized lobbying groups. That is why we need to elect candidates who will work for Real Reform, and who will represent the interest of the American People and their Families.
As a Vietnam Veteran like other veterans who fought the previous wars to preserve our rights. You have the right to make a change no matter what Party affiliation you have voted before. Make a change once and for all.
Your vote WILL count when you go to polls. Register to vote and do it. Nov.3rd. Think for yourself and for your family. We must do the right thing. Thank you for reading some of my thoughts. Respectfully Jim Bourassa |
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