Summary: Civility and Cooperation in Government.
My style of boardsmanship is collegial. I ask the right questions and listen to what people have to say. I argue passionately for what I believe in, and expect no less from my colleagues. Only through a vigorous public discussion can we hope to reach sound public policy decisions. Leadership, for me, is about sharing information and power, and not about continued rancor, and continuing battles begun so long ago no one remembers why they started. I will, at every opportunity, seek to reduce the divisions in our community. We, as public officials, have a responsibility and an obligation to show by example how decisions can be made. I will not play games that deepen the public's cynicism and distrust of public officials and reflect our community in a negative light. In short, I will seek out what needs to be done, and quietly set out to get the job done, working with other public officials and business and community leaders.