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Los Angeles County, CA | April 10, 2001 Election |
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The Federal Government is Currently Monitoring the LAPD, I Want All Departments Monitored by the Federal GovernmentBy Addie Mae MillerCandidate for Mayor; City of Los Angeles |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
"IT'S TIME FOR MORALS AND PRINCIPLES AT CITY HALL!!" Corruption is like a disease that "spreads". I believe there is CORRUPUTION in other CITY Departments that has not been revealed as yet. The City has many very important Departments that handles classified information such as; Department of Airports, Department for Harbor etc. I want FEDERAL Monitors in every department this includes the Mayor Office, Controller and City Attorney and all other departments.MARTIAL LAW IT'S TIME FOR THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES TO BE UNDER "MARTIAL LAW" AND "EVERY CITY DEPARTMENT MONITORED" BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! MILLER SAYS MARTIAL LAW, is LAW that prevails during an emergency [corruption], in which the military [federal government] assumes governmental controls' and duties in a time of "CRISIS" [corruption]. The President of the United States or a Governor can `only' order MARTIAL LAW. The Federal Government is currently monitoring the LAPD and I want the Federal Government to Monitor "EVERY" department in City Hall! As a Mayor of the City of Los Angeles, if I find it necessary to call for MARTIAL LAW to straighten out our CITY Government, I will do it and "THEN SO BE IT." My commitment to the PEOPLE as the next MAYOR, is to make Los Angeles a "Better Place For All The People" and to put an end to the enormous "Homeless Crisis" that has existed for many, many years right in the "SHADOW OF CITY HALL" . I believe MARTIAL LAW will be effective to put an end to the Corruption in High and Low Places throughout our CITY GOVERNMENT." Miller says, as the next Mayor she will request the City of Los Angeles be under the authority of MARTIAL LAW until these problems she says, "is an "EPIDEMIC OF CORRUPTION" and must be eliminated expeditously and MILLER says, "she would like to have help such as; manpower from the Higher Authority of Government to start the healing process of restoring morals, values and principles in our City government." Miller says, the PROBLEMS of Homelessness and Corruption is extremely "enormous" in this CITY and needs to be given immediate attention. It is a disgrace that the 2nd largest CITY in the United States is plague with so much Corruption and Homelessness. Respectfully submitted by; Addie Mae Miller MILLER ASKS MAYOR TO SUSPEND THE INSPECTOR GENERAL'S STAFF PENDING FULL INVESTIGATION Los Angeles, CA candidate for Mayor has ask the current Mayor and City Council at the Public Forum at City Hall today, to suspend the Staff of the Police Commission Inspector General and the Inspector General. Miller indicated that she called the Inspector General office today at (213) 202-5866 to request copies of the underlying research, supporting documents and official copy of the Report concerning Chief Bernard C. Parks. Miller received a return call at 9:53 AM from the Inspector General Office saying, Miller cannot have copies, because the [documents] "are not for the PUBLIC." Miller asked, if these documents concerning Chief Parks are not for the PUBLIC, then how did the Times Newspaper receive these documents? The employee responded saying, "she did not know how the Times Newspaper got those confidential documents." Miller indicated that she is very concerned over press leaks of official reports to the news media. Miller stated: "The staff of the Inspector General lacks the Professionalism that the PUBLIC expects. Recent press leaks are showing the lack of respect for the PUBLIC." |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: April 8, 2001 14:45
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