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Riverside County, CA | November 4, 2003 Election |
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Sources of Revenue For MurrietaBy David F. LandriscinaCandidate for Council Member; City of Murrieta |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
The purpose here is help the voter be aware of alternative sources of revenue where healthcare and public safety are concerned.Additional funds in the form of grants are now available to the cities from the new Federal Department of Homeland Security. Many cities have shyed away from this tedius task due in part to the perfectionist approach and accuracy required to complete the application, not to mention the number of hours involved, compounded furtherstill, by the fact that all funds once approved are transfered to the State, who then decides when the monies get dolled out. Needless to say many cities simply look elsewhere. I'm not aware at this point if the City of Murrieta is pursuing this resource, but if they aren't and consistent with the recommendation I made in the questionnaire for the Murrieta Police Officers Association, I would support getting behind this initiative as soon as possible. With this money, needed new technologies can be utilized in our police squad cars and other areas of public safety such as disaster planning. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 23, 2003 16:11
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