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I have been married for 27 years to my wife Teresa. We have lived in Fremont for the past 23 years (Teresa was raised in Fremont and attended Irvington High. Her parents, Ernie and Delia Garcia still live in the same home they raised their children). We have four children and all attended Fremont public schools K-12. Alicia (age 25) graduated from Washington High, then graduated from the University of California at Berkeley. She is currently completing her Masters. She is married to Kevin Floyd, a pilot in the United States Air Force. Christina (age 23) graduated from Washington and then graduated from Santa Clara University. She is currently pursuing her Masters. Lawrence III (18) just graduated from Washington and is currently at Ohlone. Jonathan (15) is a sophomore at American.
I am a self-employed recruiting consultant who partners with some of the best-known companies in Silicon Valley to find the most educated and successful engineers and leaders. Currently, I am working with Intuit, and have completed projects for Google, nVIDIA, Apple, GTE, General Dynamics as well as others. Everyday, I see the value of a strong and robust education.
I was born in San Francisco (4th generation) and raised in San Francisco and San Mateo. I attended Serra High School and graduated from San Jose State University with a BS in Administration of Justice. My wife Teresa also graduated from San Jose State, received her Teaching Credential, and is a full time homemaker and volunteer.
Before my election to the Board, I was very involved in the classrooms, school sites and district committees. I served many offices in the PTA and was an elementary school (Patterson) PTA President for four years. I was awarded the Fremont PTA's Honorary Achievment Award. I was also elected to serve on the School Site Councils at all three levels. 9 years at Patterson Elementary (3 as Chair), 2 years at Thornton Junior High, and 4 years at Washington High (1 year as Chair). I was appointed by the district to serve of the Instructional Equity Commission and was also appointed to the first Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (after working for the successful passage of the Health and Safety Bond). I have also been an active parent/volunteer/supporter of youth sports (baseball, football, tennis, cross-country, swimming, bowling, basketball, track and others), music and other extra-curricular activities. I have been actively involved in neighborhood improvements, parent and teacher empowerment, church activities and community partnerships.
While serving on the Board, I have completed the Masters in Governance Program of the California School Boards' Association as well as attending many workshops and seminars ranging from Budget, Transportation, Community Action, the Brown Act, Board Presidents' Seminar, and others.
I have been selected by the FUSD Board to serve as the board's representative to the Mission Valley ROP, where I am the current vice-president.
I am most proud of being able to meet with as many people from the community as have asked over the past four years. I regularly meet with students, teachers, parents and other community members to listen to their concerns, suggestions, insights and opinions about any matter that impacts the safe education of our children.