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Alameda County, CA | November 7, 2006 Election |
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Traffic Congestion and Quality of Life in Pleasanton.By Jerry T. Thorne, P.E.Candidate for Member of City Council; City of Pleasanton |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
Traffic congestion problems in Pleasanton MUST be solved.Traffic and the potential degradation in our quality of life are the primary general concerns of the majority of Pleasanton residents that I have talked to. The explosion in home and commercial building in neighboring communities, the rapidly increasing traffic loading on local freeways and the potential for constructing "cut through" routes for freeway traffic within Pleasanton lead the list of specific concerns. However, the increasing traffic loading on Pleasanton streets and intersections in general is beginning to rise to the top of the Community's list of concerns. The two traffic elements included in the 1996 General Plan that have been the most controversial are the West Las Positas interchange and the planned extension of Stoneridge Drive. I originally announced my position on the West Las Positas interchange in 2002 and that position has not changed. Basically, I do NOT believe that the construction of the West Las Positas interchange is fiscally responsible and it would create a safety problem at Muirwood and West Las Positas for the huge number of children that cross that intersection going to and from school. The cost of the interchange would be very high and the benefits would not justify the cost. Also, there is NO effective and reasonable funding mechanism for the interchange. I strongly support removing it from the General Plan with the land set aside for the construction of the interchange preserved as voter protected open space. In other words, the General Plan update should require a vote of the people to utilize this land for anything other than open space which would prevent future Councils from approving commercial, residential or any other development on that land without voter approval. The preponderance of the public input received by myself and the City Council up to this point in time has indicated that the public does not support the extension of Stoneridge Drive. However, there has recently been an increase in the interest level of residents living outside the Stoneridge corridor. In my opinion, this has become one of the most devisive and polarizing issues that has faced this Community in quite sometime and the City Council MUST resolve this issue as soon as possible. The Impact information that will be supplied as a part of the General Plan Update's Environmental Impact Report should be provided as soon as possible and presented to the Council and Community. In the final analysis, the City of Pleasanton must continue to work on a regional, state and perhaps even the federal level to secure funding for the planned improvements on highway 84 and I580 as well as improvements in public transportation. Pleasanton can drive none of these projects alone; however, all are essential to solving traffic problems within Pleasanton. Elected officials must also make sure that our fair share of available funding is coming to the region. The 580/680 intersection could become a "bottle-neck" for the entire Bay Area and funding improvements should be a priority for the entire Bay Area. I have positioned myself well to play a leadership role in Regional Traffic decisions including the Chair of the Tri-Valley Transportation Council. Jerry Thorne |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 17, 2006 17:59
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