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Alameda County, CA | November 7, 2006 Election |
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Inclusionary Process and City Council Working EnvironmentBy Jerry T. Thorne, P.E.Candidate for Member of City Council; City of Pleasanton |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
We must continue to strive to create a working environment at the City Council level that includes all of our citizens and embraces the principles of "Community of Character".The current City Council has been working hard to include the principles of "Community of Character" in the conduct of City Council meetings and in the conduct of city business. Unfortunately, we have also adopted a percieved definition of "neighborhood" and "neighborhood empowerment" that excludes a huge population within our community. In fact, in furtherance of this perception some important and contrubuting organizations and groups have had demonized and vilified terms attached to them such as "special interest group". Also, it is unfortunate that it is far too common for politicians and elected officials to attach these terms to community groups that do not agree with their point of view. Examples of some of the community groups who have been considered as "special Interest Groups" include youth sports groups, Pleasanton business groups, Arts groups, Faith Groups, etc. All of these COMMUNITY GROUPS must be included in the empowerment process if we hope to bring our community together and focused on a common goal. Once we have accomplished this we will be abel to deal with the difficult issues facing us in the future such as Traffic, Workforce Housing shortages,etc. more effectively. Therefore, I will work to move empowerment to the next level which should be COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT. I will pledge to the Community that I will make no final decisions until everyone has had the opportunity to be heard. Jerry Thorne |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 17, 2006 17:59
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