As someone who has worked on Shattuck Avenue since 1997, I want to help revitalize our Downtown. For the past decade I have watched business after business leave our Downtown. I have watched store fronts stay empty for years. Currently, the Downtown district is the lowest generator of tax revenue in the City. That means that every other area in the City generates more tax revenue than our own Downtown. This seems completely out of balance and unacceptable. As your councilmember I will work to renew relationships that will result in a new wave of long standing businesses. This will help revitalize our ailing Downtown. We need a family friendly Downtown. A clean place you can bring your family and friends. A place to play, eat, and shop. A downtown full of unique shops, exceptional foods, and the spirit that has made Berkeley famous. I will fight to bring our Downtown back to life and make it a Downtown we can be proud of!