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My work experience includes thirty years of progressive administration and executive positions with the University City Science Center in Philadelphia. In 2008, I began employment with Walmart as a Sales Associate.
I have been a volunteer with numerous youth organizations, having served on the Board of the Freedom Valley Council of Girl Scouts and the Cradle of Liberty Council, Boy Scouts of America.
I was Co-President of the Roberts Elementary School PTC and President of the Upper Merion Area High School Parent Teacher Advisory Council. For many years, I have been a tutor at the Upper Merion Area Middle School. In the Upper Merion Area School District, I have been a longstanding member of the District Strategic Planning Committee.
I am a School Director at Large (2001-present) and current President of the Upper Merion Area School District Board of School Directors and also serve as a member (2001-present) of the Joint Operating Committee of the Central Montco Technical High School. I also serve as Chairperson of the Upper Merion Area Eduational Foundation which provides nonpublic support to the Upper Merion Area School District.
In Upper Merion Township, I have been a Township Supervisor (1989), former member (1989-1999) of the Township Library Board, and current member (1999-present) and Chairperson of the Upper Merion Township Planning Commission.
Additionally, I serve on the Board of the Neighborhood Meals on Wheels (covering the Upper Merion Area School District communities), member and Past President of the Optimist Club of Valley Forge, and a member and Board President of Lafayette Ambulance Squad.
I was a United States Army Reservist from 1963-1968 and received an Honorable Discharge.
I have been a resident of Upper Merion Township since 1976. My wife, Charlotte, is a teacher aide at the Valley Forge Presbyterian Nursery School in King of Prussia. Our children--Tracy, Andrew and Daniel all attended Montgomery County Community College, and Millersville, West Chester and Kutztown University, respectively.