Inflated class sizes are a detriment to our children's education. Young students especially need individual one-on-one attention. Large classroom environments particularly at the elementary school level, often impede the productivity of the teacher as well as the retention rate of the student. Smaller class sizes have been academically proven to enhance the educational experience of a child. This, I assure you, will be one of my greatest focuses should I be elected.
Class sizes, which have increased steadily over the last few years, are a major concern to me. Class sizes of 30-35 and more, currently seem to be the norm. Smaller class sizes are recognized nationwide as fostering a greater environment for learning. I understand the current budget situation in Sacramento however, the quality of our children's education should not suffer as a result. Tough financial decisions must be made but our children's education must be the top priority when making those decisions. I am particularly concerned with the average class at our elementary schools. Grades 3-6 at Macy average 36.1 students per class. This is unacceptable. It exceeds the LJSD average of the same grades which is 31.8 and the LHCSD of 29.4. Several academic studies in the last few decades have conclusively proven that smaller class sizes are significantly responsible for a more productive learning environment. Common sense should tell us this as well. We must ensure our children are able to learn in a safe environment that isn't overcrowded with too many students. If elected, I will immediately seek to reduce the student to teacher ratio in each overcrowded classroom in the LJSD.