Biographical Highlights
- Occupation: Incumbent
- Coordinator, Education Partners
- Hillsdale High School Site Council; February 1995-Present
- Foundation for the Fine & Performing Arts; March 1995-Present
- California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly; July 1994-Present
- CSBA/API Caucus President; December 1996-Present
 Detailed Biography |
Top Priorities if Elected
- Provide Measures C & E bond and financial oversight
- Ensure program accountability and high performance standards
- Keep dollars close to students and use community resources
 Political Philosophy |
Key Endorsements
- Hon. Sue Lempert
- Mrs. Jeanne Kane
- Mrs. Freddie Blanc
 More Endorsements |
Position Papers
- Position Statement--Melodie L. Lew
We need to continue to foster an understanding of the need for community involvement; use community resources when available; monitor all programs to ensure high standards and program effectiveness for all students; work to keep dollars close to students in the class room; provide Measure E implementation and financial oversight; and provide our students with a safe and drug-free school environment.
Campaign Contact Information